I can't believe I was forced to stop working on Savvy Steve's house for the entire July. It...
After living in Perth for 5 years, one thing never changed. Singapore will always have a special place...
I am a living Singaporean in Perth. There you are, getting all ready to celebrate SG51 back home....
Once in a while, I have conversations with old friends in Singapore. The topic of rising cost of...
After the post "Wasting Time" [link] was posted, I seemed to have received a flurry of disturbing comments....
Over the weekend, we received more guests than we did for the last 12 months. There are certainly...
I often wonder how our lives would turn out if we didn't have children. What would we do...
I was told this is what they put in the syllabus for Primary 5 kids in Singapore. All...
Outside Savvy Steve's house, we had lavenders planted in a roll. They were small, as matured ones would...
Lately I found out Judy's course wasn't cheap at all. Initially, I thought it was around $8k, which...
Angie sent us a picture on the whatsapp group some days ago. I opened it up and thought...
Thanks V for sending little known facts about the 457 work visa to help Judy ownself check ownselfâ„¢....
Past Rants
- Back in Business
- Singapore Will Always be Home
- Perth Will Never Feel like Home
- Minister of Blood Sucking
- A Fool and his Time are Soon Parted
- Judy Will Work
- 7th Year Itch
- Children Taught to Reproduce
- Lavender's Blue
- Baker in the House
- Race Horses
- Little Known Facts about 457 Work Visa
- Preparing for Solar
- Wasting Time
- The Lady who Took a Cake to a Job Interview
- Key Differences between Teaching in Perth and Sing...
- Racist and Friendly Perth Aussies
- Frozen
- How Meals in Perth can be Affordable
- Judy's Car and the Luck She Needs from the Universe
- The Visitors in the Dark
- To Leave or Not to Leave, That is His Question
- Australia's Ideal Skilled Migrant
- #Lexit or #Lemain?
- Business Migration: Why "No One" Does it
- Moth Guy Checking out How My Wife is Coping
- One of the Last Emails I am Replying?