The Account

0630 hrs, Monday Reported at admission, Royal Perth Hospital, with a lucky angbao given by a friend in...

Posters on the Ceiling

The millions of cancer cells can that formed the tumor in my bladder were burnt to death last afternoon. They...

Eve of Surgery

Perhaps I can finally understand how hard it was to persuade my dad to go for surgeries. Some...

Coming to Terms

Take care of yourselves my friends. Think you wouldn't get cancer? Take me, not join me, as the...


The suggestions: Go to Singapore to get treated by world class specialist, come back to Perth and continue...


Despite the popular tongue-in-cheek Chinese notion of "在新加坡可死不可病",many of us regard Singapore as a world class medical hub. Hmmmmmm. As if...

The Reflection

I sat down and had a heart to heart chat with my buddy in Singapore via whatsapp. The...


Yesterday was pre-admission assessment. About time, about time. I felt something in my bladder again. It was of...

The Calls to Return Home

I received a good amount of callouts from friends and family to consider a return to Singapore to...

At the Back of Autumn's Chair

I had professed my love for Autumn many times in the blog. She was always my gushing favourite....

The Fight is On

When I was referred by the GP to the radiologist at South Lake, I was led to the...

Creaks and Shit

I have to agree that no matter where we start, the more we write the better we get...

Blogging Causes Cancer

I stopped blogging from god knows when I felt there because there seemed nothing else worthy to share....