The Pavers Moving Project

I received a call from Stephen earlier in the week. It was a request for my help on...

About Driving in Perth

Finally, the jokers got their car and my days of chauffeuring them to-and-fro work were finally over. The...

Law by Law

Why do law exist? The first and most basic reason as to why law exists is to defend...

The Attention Whore and Her People Who Love Anal Probes

No one has to worry for Nicole Rebecca Seah. Contrary of her damsel-in-distress image conjured by her hapless...

Nicole Seah, The Failed Strategist

I attended rallies during the GE2011 with interest, in hope of a "freak result" which didn't happen so...

Die Can, Sick Cannot

So says the wise sage. So the people work for the prosperity of the country all our lives,...

Silent Reader's Summer Move

Hi Nix, I have been a silent reader of your blog and is planning to move to WA...

The Prime Minister Still Don't Get it

While unhappy citizens use the internet and social media to vent their frustrations, the government must learn and...

Henley Brook Cuddly Animal Farm

It was a pleasant surprise to find a small animal farm only 28 km from Perth City. So...

The Prime Minister and the Cleaner

It was widely known that NTUC Secretary General Lim Swee Say believed that a minimum wage system has...

Ninja Nurse Arrives

The family joined the Perth Singaporean community about a week ago. Not without a bit of drama, receiving...

Play Group

We were already encouraged to take Albany to playgroups when she was a baby. What is playgroup, I...

The Kiss of Spring

Spring weather conditions in Perth is the closest to Singapore's cooler days from the end of the year...

Should I Tag Along for my Wife's Study Program?

Dear Nix, Thank you for your time and advise again. My wife studies start feb 2014. We are...