Gentlemen behold! Retards! "For stay-home mothers, we are especially concerned that they do not get to benefit from...
After 3 great years of service, Goldilocks finally broke down for the first time. The beauty in that...
"We must become a meritocracy of skills, not a hierarchy of grades earned early in life." - Deputy...
The Liews are a special family to me. Well you see, prior to moving to Perth, all my...
GUEST BLOGGER Satki Yoda 11 Feb 2014 Culture Shock Nix, it is Satki Yoda taking a break from...
Point Walter I write because I owe everything here I have to this blog. During my initial days,...
“Prudence has two eyes, one that foresees what one has to do, the other that examines afterward what...
“Self discipline is when your conscience tells you to do something and you don't talk back.” - W.K...
“Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost.” - Erol Ozan The ability to feel at ease...
“Learn to travel on the road less traveled” - Anonymous I believe there is no need to elaborate....
“Not knowing how to cook is like sitting in a sailboat with no wind.” - Anonymous The 4...
It has been a rather open secret. Since New Zealand citizens can work in Australia freely and it...
So we get our kids to dress up in their traditional racial costumes in school like a beauty...
Source: [link] Again, for Singaporeans who are coming this way for whatsoever reason, public holidays may be of...
I thought it may be useful to share this with Singaporeans with young kids who are planning to...
Campbell7 November 2014 at 15:04 I struggle to believe that anyone would wish to leave Singapore for Australia...
Hopefully the Aussies will not play down a population target as a "projection" or a "planning parameter" like our...
Past Rants
- I'll Rather Throw My Money into Bedok Reservoir th...
- Goldilocks Dieded
- Meritocracy of Skills
- First Chinese New Year Feast
- Satki Yoda on Culture Shock
- 41 Months of Perth
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective Migrants - Habit 6, P...
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective Migrants - Habit 4, S...
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective Migrants - Habit 3, B...
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective Migrants - Habit 2, D...
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective Migrants - Habit 1, L...
- The (cringe!!!) Yang Mehs Mehs Club
- We Need to Drum Some Common Sense Into Some People
- Public Holidays for Western Australia 2015
- Child Car Restrains Rules for Western Australia
- Why Would Anyone Wish to Leave a Great Country lik...
- Perth 2031 Review Part 1: Certain Growth
- Summer Storm
- How do expats go about getting a mortgage Down Under?
- Activities for Feb