Rejected by Singapore Police, Accepted into Australia Police


This is a story of a Singaporean who calls himself Anfieldknight(AK), which is totally fine by me as it appears that we both support the same football club. Like myself, AK migrated to Australia sometime ago to seek his own life but he settled down in Melbourne instead. The group of us followed his amazing story faithfully over the years. You can read his [beginnings] which he kindly contributed to me last year and again, a recent update of his hard work that paid off after I begged him to share an account of. I am very happy for him and wish him good luck. 

I encourage you to share this, because I hope more Singaporeans will be inspired by the unyielding spirit of AK, who kept his dream up after Singapore quashed it and chased his aspirations all the way to the far east of Australia. 

Thank you AK, for sharing.

Anfield Knight
28 April 2016

Hello Nix,

It’s me again. Anfieldknight. It’s been almost a year since I shared my brief experience on your blog.

That was 12th March.

I simply can’t believe that life takes different path from what you have planned.

Fast forward now, it’s now March 2016.

Within this time frame, unexpected stories unfolded.

I had managed to attend 3 interviews for IT related jobs while working as a casual position in a concierge department in the same popular hotel. That was somewhere first half of last year.

I didn’t manage to get any of them. For one of them I had succeeded to attend the third and final interview for a big MNC. Unfortunately, I didn’t hear from them again.

I was devastated. I had hopes of reviving my IT knowledge and skills in that MNC Company. Nothing worked.  All I had was the casual job at the hotel to get me going. Wife and my 2 kids are depending on me.

Vexed. But still, I didn’t regret coming here. Even one bit.

As I was getting better in talkie-talkie, thanks to the people skills from the hotel, I almost managed to land a job in COLES as a customer service as a part-timer with guaranteed hours. But it was me who rejected the post when they called me.

Everyone knows when opportunity arrives, you must be smart to grab it or lose out completely or regret and cry when you taking a crap.

Why did I reject it? Was it because I was stubborn to penetrate into IT industry here? Or was I choosy?

Nix… I am letting in a little secret. This may help others who want to take a big leap if they want to.

While I am still getting accustomed in Australia, I applied for Protective Services Officer (PSO) position with Victoria Police in Oct 2014, one month after I have landed here.  I gave it a shot and just simply tried my luck.

Here is the link for those who are curious.

In summary, they are Police from the Transit Unit safeguarding all Metro stations in Victoria.

Fast-forward now to 2016 March… I have now graduated from the Victoria Police Academy as a fully qualified PSO. This journey was… Exceptional… Emotional… Memorable.

It took me 8 months to enter into the Academy. Some even waited more than 1 year. Some even 1.5 years. So I was lucky.

I still remember. I was rejected by Singapore Police Force when I wanted to join as a regular.

Rejected by ICA for applying Customs Officer.

Rejected by MOM for applying a job where it requires interacting with foreign workers.

The irony.

It may or may not trigger an interest to any readers here but I will list out what I have done to end up where I am now.

Make sure you have at least $1.5K to pay for all these and KEEP THE RECEIPTS! They will be useful to do your next year’s Tax File Claim.

Please be prepared Physically and Mentally. Nothing is a walk in the park.

Step 1

Yes. Start applying. Use that index finger of yours to click on the apply button. Fill up those details.

-       Personal Details
-       Employment History
-       Education History
-       History of Prior Offences and Police Dealings.

That’s about it. Sit back and wait for a good news from them. If you are unlucky, I am sorry. But at least you tried.

Step 2

Yup. Exams. That’s what Singaporeans are good at. Scoring points where necessary.  This is like IELTS + Aptitude and need some quick brain cells to answers questions in little time given.

1.     - Verbal Reasoning Assessment
2.    -  Numerical Reasoning Assessment
3.    -  Abstract Reasoning Assessment
4.     - MCQ English Skills Test
5.     - Summary Writing Assessment
6.     - Extended Writing Assessment
7.     - Oral Communications Assessment
8.     - Computer Skills Assessment

If you can score for these sets of exams, you are on your way to the next part of the process.

Step 3
Background Checks

The name itself is self-explanatory. They will start conducting checks on all of your previous history. Companies you worked for in Australia will be crucial.  This is also where they will call you for a telephone interview to see how interested you are. If you are not, please hang up and start playing your PS3/Xbox.

Step 4

They will now call you up for communications test. This is where you have to start talking on a walkie-talkie and see how well and clear you speak in the radio. It will be good to know your Alphabet codes. Start practicing. Alpha… Bravo.. Charlie…
And please.. No Lahs and Lors wokay.

Step 5
Fitness Test

Yawn. If you can clear you IPPT back then, then this will be a breeze. Nothing to see here. No wait… If you have put on extra pounds, then start working out.
Just check their website for details on the set of tests below.

-       - Beep Test (5.1 minimum)
-       - Agility Test (within 20 secs)
-       - Grip Test
-       - 5 push-ups
-       - Prone bridge
-       - Obstacle Climb (1.3m)

Step 6
Health Checks

Similar to PR Application process, you have to clear the medical portion here.  You have to go for Urine Test, Eye Test, Ear test and Full body check up.

Before they send you the email, you have to start booking for all these tests yourself to save time. You have to submit all these within a specific time and will be stated in the email. You will receive the Medical Booklet after you have passed the Fitness test.

A little tip. Start booking for these appointments after your Step 4 has been successfully cleared.

Step 7
Psych Test

This is pretty interesting. You have to sit for the Psychology test consisting approximately 1000 questions. That’s right. Approx. 1000. It will take about 2 hours.

Happy sitting for the Psych test straight after your Fitness test.

Step 8
Psych Interview

Don’t think just because you have declared yourself as not insane, you are about to face grueling 1.5 hours of up and very personal interview with the psychology unit. Prepare to tell your stories, your family history and whatever you have in your back of your mind.

Step 9
Panel Interview

Congratulations if you have deemed “Not a Psycho” by Victoria Police. This will be Grand Final. The Super Bowl. The UEFA Champions League.

It can be nerve wrecking. They will be asking some tricky but logic questions. All you have to do is to Keep Calm and don’t crap in your pants.

Once you have shook the hands of the interviewing Inspectors, leave and don’t turn back. Don’t pass GO. Head straight back home and lie on your bathtub. Have a warm bubble bath.

Step 10

If you are successful, you will receive the GOLDEN phone call. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Thank you for finishing the Part 1 of your journey.

Now all you have to do is to complete Part 2 of your Journey in the Academy itself.

If you are now in the Academy, prepare to spend 3 months doing Law exams and Practical assessments. Be prepared to talk in front of your class. Be prepared to face the stress of studying and balancing family life. This will change your future. Trust me.

I had to stay in although it’s not compulsory. The grueling 2 hours journey back home, stuck in traffic, had me considered staying in.

This was the biggest sacrifice. For 3 months, my wife had to manage and somehow she did. I had to study for exams on weekends when I am at home. Group study with mates on weekdays in the Academy.

What I have written here is just tip of the lighted cigarette. Thanks to Nix’s blog, I am sharing my experience to those who may be interested. It could be useful for those who may think otherwise.

It can be done. It can be achieved. Victoria Police is Multi-Cultural. They are open-minded. They are unlike what you experience back home.

I am truly speechless for what has happened to me. Things happen for a reason. A friend of mine said, “Singapore may need you. But Australia really wants you.”

This is one part of my journey. I have no control of my future. But I hope to be ready in any circumstance that may arise.

If a country can trust a PR like me to police and interact with the community, I can be sure that I will give my 100% if needed. So can you!

Thanks Nix.
