Time Goes By

Haven't been posting a single thing due to a combination of being sick and having a sudden rush of unusual tasks at the workplace to prepare for the ISO audit which left me so exhausted and sick since Monday that I had to take a nap before dinner and go to bed early. Albany had to be contented with playing on her half asleep daddy before dinner, wondering why I didn't spring up to play catch with her these few days. I did jerked up once, when she made a loud pop with her head against the wall and quickly grab her to soothe her pain but shortly after I had to go into slumber from the effects of flu medicine.

Little Albany was sick over the last weekend where Perth experienced the hottest January day in almost 30 years. It was a torrid time for both Albany and me. She was sick and should be resting to get well but it was too hot to sleep. Her flu was made worse in an air conditioned room. We all experienced being sick under unusual conditions before. These surely do us no favours in hope to get well. Her constant whines were expected and so were the hugs she wanted from daddy to feel better. As a result, my face became the target board for her constant sneezing. Either that or risk my ears imploded by her cries. I chose to be sick. 

Though this wasn't the first time I was sick in Perth, it remained one of the rare cases. Air quality is really great here and my health has been great until Summer - where I am prone to heat related illnesses such as sore throat and fever that I used to get in regularity in Singapore. Unfortunately, when one is sick, somehow life has a knack of demanding more out of you during this period. I had to lead my workers to do a one-time installation of new steel racks in the workshop. The dust from drilling concrete made my entire week pretty much hellish at work. The demarcation painting throughout the workshop didn't help either but at last all these were behind me. We are ready for the ISO audit.

Didn't I talk about that briefly last year, where we received the award for the first time? Have one year just passed on like that? I didn't know if I should feel happy with how quickly time passed or not. There was always a nagging feeling that I had done very little to improve myself and provide better for the family. Before I could even sit down and reflect on 2013, half of the January of 2014 had already passed. The Christmas holidays zipped pass without a glitch. I found myself shrouded in weariness. That could be due to my recovering self, we tend to feel both the physical and mental strain during this stage. Perhaps our bodies get sick on purpose to force us to correct our unhealthy life habits and give us an opportunity to slow down and communicate with our souls. I have probably done plenty of that in my half asleep state during the afternoon naps this week.

So what have you achieved for the past year? Unfortunately my highlight of 2013 was being diagnosed with cancer. I hope you had better luck. Well it wasn't that bad for me really for I am still here writing things. Hope I'll survive 2014 unscathed. This should be a good year. My buddy successfully did his marriage proposal late last year and would be getting married this year. I had been waiting for this for some time now. Winking Doll will be getting married this year too. [link] That's a wedding a tad too far for me to attend, even if I am invited. I wish these couples smacking good weddings.



  1. Thank you for your well-wishes, ASingaporeSon!

    I wish you and your family a happy & healthy 2014! 马年 出入平安,身体健康![p.s. That's my favourite Chinese New Year greetings, more than progress or $-related ones.]

  2. Nix

    Like the half-glass full vs half-glass empty debate, I see this a different way:

    The highlight of 2013 should be you were diagnosed with cancer that can be cured, and you survived.

    BTW ISO accreditation in Australia? Is that a new thing for your company or what? I had to do ISO accreditation in Singapore a lifetime ago when everyone in SG and their dogs needs ISO certification... which sounds like a good thing since it suggest SG has international standards.... until I realise most of the ISO certification only needs you to have good bookkeeping records and can wayang or throw smoke a bit when people want to see some physical structure (area cleaning and stock check and area orientation very important so that it looks like someone immediately knows where things are and inspected it before). No one actually checks you actually do what you do..... they just check you know what you should do and you record properly what you do. A bit like NS "you can do anything you want just don't get caught".

    So your boss have this new brainwave to look good with ISO certification or just the new trend in industry standard (most Aussie still wouldn't know what ISO stands for!)

    PPS: what is the Perth market rate for Wedding Ang Bao? Can find out for me?

  3. NIx...hang in there. You blog like i said is an inspiration...get well and stay well. . wishing you and your family a fantastic CNY and a great year ahead.

  4. NIx...hang in there. You blog like i said is an inspiration...get well and stay well. . wishing you and your family a fantastic CNY and a great year ahead.

  5. NIx...hang in there. You blog like i said is an inspiration...get well and stay well. . wishing you and your family a fantastic CNY and a great year ahead.

  6. NIx...hang in there. You blog like i said is an inspiration...get well and stay well. . wishing you and your family a fantastic CNY and a great year ahead.

  7. NIx...hang in there. You blog like i said is an inspiration...get well and stay well. . wishing you and your family a fantastic CNY and a great year ahead.

  8. NIx...hang in there. You blog like i said is an inspiration...get well and stay well. . wishing you and your family a fantastic CNY and a great year ahead.

  9. Being busy at work is a good thing. Maybe it is time to create another baby so Albany has another one to play and interact with. :-P

  10. Go to bed earlier and drink more water will help with your sore throat. I am a chronic sore throater back in Singapore and these changes have definitely minimise those symptoms. Forget to mention, it will improve your complexion too.
