Playing the Number Mind Games

I seldom realise I have not been updating this blog for a while but normally I will be reminded. Then I'll get my butt working again. I have nothing much to share about migration. All that needs to be written are written. The rest is up to you. I don't think any of you are really that interested in what I do or where I go with my family, what we eat and other what not. I had done a lot of those but those seemed to be a distraction of the main theme of the blog. Thus I hardly update about my life lately, minimizing the irrelevancy.

This post that marks my re-re-re-re-return to writing is about bad advice and percentages. By the rule of thumb, free advice is bad advice. Thus everything you read here may very well be bad advice. That goes the same for the advice given by yet another charlatan who advises you not to heed any advice you get receive here. Equally free advice and probably equally bad.

When I was contemplating my move in 2011, Uncle Lai told Penny to warn us against the move, citing a "white-collar recession." I did not heed his well intended advice because I wanted to move out of Singapore, period. Today, I am 2 months away from my 4th year in Perth. Bad advice or not, the decision was made and never regretted. One may argue that 2015 is worse than 2011 and so it makes the same old advice even more valid. Well, 2011 was indeed worse than 2007 too. So what's your fucking point? If I have a crystal ball and tell you for certainty that 2019 will be worse than 2015, will that halt your move? I believe that depends heavily on your intentions. If you are moving for the money, you should have never considered leaving Singapore in the first place. However if you are leaving for other reasons..... do I need to say more?

Look. They call a 5 or 10 % unemployment high. To me it means 9 out of 10 people are employed. If you happen to be the fucking 1 guy then of course that's truly bad times for you. So it is actually a good idea to shelf your migration because 1 guy out of 9 couldn't find a job? I would have thought you are moving to Greece. 

If you are uncomfortable when the odds are against you, I wonder why you bothered to take up driving, since in a country where there are more sheep than humans and cars, the average driving test passing rate is only 60%. If you still went ahead although you had a 4 out of 10 chance to fail, why does a 1 out of 10 unemployment bother you that much?

You exist because you beat 200 to 600 million other sperm to the race to your mother's ovary. That's a feat by itself but don't let that fool you, none of us is special. None. Since everyone is a unique individual or champion, that makes none of us special. We are all dumbfucks who are doomed to fail as long as luck don't come our way. However, I am a strong believer of making our own luck. Where migration is being concerned, you only need 1 job out of the 1000s out there. Imagine if you are a man born in China and the government tells you that there is 5% drop in female births in the country, will you go into panic mode just because there is 6,9 million less females for you to find a partner? It is only mentally viable to have 1 wife. How many wives do you need. How many jobs do you need? 1.

If you are looking for a cushy situation where you are sit down, masturbate and collect cash, you will be better off staying where you are. Else, there is always a place for a fighting spirit somewhere out there in the world.

What do we really mean by bad times anyway? Bad economy, high unemployment, natural disasters or what? Why don't you ask the same people who told you not to move how they live their lives through these bad times and see how terrible their lives must have been. They are probably sipping their drinks by their alfresco while you are still in your office. Or are they so hungry, scouring the fields for tapioca because they have not been working for 5 years? Ironically, for some reasons they refuse to fuck off back to Singapore despite the terrible times here to put their money where their stinking mouths are. You wish they do. Ha.



  1. "I have nothing much to share about migration. All that needs to be written are written. The rest is up to you. I don't think any of you are really that interested in what I do or where I go with my family, what we eat and other what not. I had done a lot of those but those seemed to be a distraction of the main theme of the blog. Thus I hardly update about my life lately, minimizing the irrelevancy."

    Actually Nix, your posts about your life in Oz helps to keep those of us who are still in limbo going - going about to take our IELTS, get skills assessments, check the SOL, preparing EOI, re-affirm our decision to cross the bridge, or even pray. When you have done all you can & your fate is in the hands of the powers that be, distractions are good, very good. Over these years, you have become a great writer, and have opened more hearts and minds than you know through your thoughtful insights & wit. Please write what you will & are willing to share, but most importantly, write for yourself, because this is your blog. Take care!
