Penny's Move

As I type, Penny is having her last hearty meal in Perling, Johor before heading to Singapore for her flight. Another 4 hours from then, she will be gazing down to the shores of Geraldton before landing on Australian soil.

Penny was the original partner-in-crime who urged us to make a move to Australia. Then we went through the lifecycle of work and stress to shelving and almost giving up the idea. Every stage was a test to tempt you to give up. You cannot imagine how strong the forces are until you go through the lifecycle yourself.

After the initial gungho planning and boasts, one by one we fell victim to the lifecycle. Penny was no exception. Then I woke up and pressured Jen to carry on, the unpleasant exchanges between ourselves nearly hurt our relationship.

Penny's arrival is important to us. Of course, another friend joining the cause is gladly welcomed but the significance of her move is what makes it meaningful for me. All human beings need constant assurance no matter how confident they can portray themselves on the front. Penny's decision to move out of Singapore to Perth simply reinforce our beliefs.

Her move also stirred a little, just a little, hope in me that my close friends or siblings may join me one day. Wishful thinking but it feels nice to day-dream once in a while. Imagine the acres of land we can enjoy together fishing or kite-flying, the daunting kilometers of country road we can conquer together and feeling the constant breeze while we gaze the calm blue ocean with no words among ourselves. I can only dream. In reality no one is making a move, not even sparing a whisker of thought about it.

Back to Penny's coming, I hope she won't be whining about not landing jobs, food and transport too soon. We can always kick her into a lake when she does. Welcome Penny, see you on Saturday.



  1. throw her into the Canning Dam in the dead of the night if she pisses you guys off. Nobody will ever know how she died lol

    1. yes good suggestion we'll see how she copes first

  2. Hahaha ...... I'm very easy de leh... not car than take public transport... food ar... cant make it 3 meal .. than 2 meal also not able to die so soon .. worst just go and get a restaurant job which include meal... solve the food problem... as for accommodation... will be thick face staying with my Uncle Lai first until I got a rather secure job.. so... everything is fine for me as long as I have a place to sleep... so.. easy me ... Wish me luck in my interview tomorrow and hope to have more positive response... Cheers and see you all soon...

    hahah and thanks for including me as a original partner-in-crime.... hahhaaha

    1. Hi,
      Just curious, how long did it take for your visa to be approved?


    2. Hahaha ... Not long .. I waited for 2 year 9 months only..... wait until myself become giraffe...

    3. almost 3 years? that's long!.

      Mr Noir.

  3. Well, you have another close friend with you now.

    Welcome to Perth, Penny. Hope you are by now landed and settled into your accommodation.
    All the best with the interview and hope to catch up with you soon :)

  4. i always have a dream tat my dogs would be able to go there wif me and roam the big hectares of greens, roll in the snow up at mt buller..they are 9 though :P

    1. my 2 dogs are 10 or 11 or so. i havent gave up the dream.

  5. SydneyLibrarian8 March 2012 at 09:19

    Always good to have close friends close by :)

  6. Perling! That's my hometown!

    1. i like the place a lot. i may wanna retire around those area in future

    2. u like? which part of it?

    3. i dunno the name of those places. penny was the one who drove us around. the neighbouring ... i dunno what u call them in malaysia, garden? well ok suburbs in oz, neighbourhood in singapore, are nice. like huang hou's food, bukit indah's houses. all in all a peaceful quiet place where i had the intention to buy a small 20x70 ft terrace under my wife's name (she's msian) if we didn't get the oz PR approved.

      almost wanted to buy - then the PR came.

    4. We call them Taman (=garden)

      haha.... me & my husband almost bought a terrace at Eco Garden (near Second Link), then PR came.

    5. i know where is eco garden. I went there 2 times. Not bad. In fact all the region from nusa jaya down to medini, i like too.

      U got aust pr as well?

    6. Yes, i commented on ur ''flowchart', rmbr?

    7. yup i recalled now. u shd comment more, so i can remember u clearly :P
      ok so i'm meeting someone from your hometown tmr heh. hopefully one day, we can meet u too

  7. Good to know the one who encouraged you to change shores is finally putting her word to action.

    We do know that happiness is not just about being comfortable, but about overcoming life's challenges and emerging wiser and appreciative.

    1. waiting to see when is she packing up returning to singapore :D

    2. Hoi.... the partner-in-crime not so easy giving up de leh.... It's only a few days.. ppl take months to settle down.. I definitely can make it de ... hahahaha
