Why Do Singaporeans Migrate?

By now, this blog is one year old. For the past year, I wrote quite extensively on migration topics. Any wonder why you have never read this here before? Answer is simple. The reasons why Singaporeans migrate are pretty much the same as why any other people migrate from their own countries. People migrate for different reasons around the main four categories, namely

Economic migration
Moving elsewhere to find work, business or follow a particular career path

Social migration
Moving somewhere for a better quality of life or to be closer (or further for some) to family or friends

Political migration
Moving elsewhere due to unrest, war or for some, to be away from millionaire idiots running their country and other whatnots

Environmental migration
For want of better environment to the current

So as you can see, no matter what personal reason any Singaporean emigrate to another country, it revolves around these main branches. There isn't really a lot to discuss about. The post was manifested from guilt. For the past year, very often I noticed quite a lot of people bumped into a post I created a long time ago. [link]

To illustrate

For some reasons, the keywords of the title of the post somehow misled these poor folks to an article that doesn't carry the information they were looking for. So after trolling innocent Singaporeans for a year, I decided to make amends and create a post that they are actually searching for. Like they say, redemption is never too late. So how do we know why Singaporeans migrate? Easy, ask the Singaporeans who migrated. That was what I did.

In the first place, why would anyone wants to know why Singaporeans migrate? Well, with the exception of the OSU, it is probably nobody's business to find out about these things. Yet, I've noticed so many keyword searches on "why singaporeans migrate" over the months. Not that I was really bothered to be honest, for anyone has the freedom to search for whatever they like. I'm just curious what was running through the mind of the person doing the search. It doesn't make sense to me any individual would want to know. Migration is after all a personal thing and it differs largely from individual to individual. A man's meat is another's poison.

Vibrant shopping culture is widely considered as a pull factor of Singapore, but it may very well be someone else's push factor. Some love a slower pace work environment, the others find it too boring and not dynamic enough. While some find it stressful in Singapore, some relish the challenges. You may hate the COE, but someone else may love it for its increasing exclusiveness. There'll be a side who loves the extremes of the 4 seasons and the other loving the more stable weather throughout the year. Not to say some who love Kangaroos and Koalas, and others prefer Pandas. Some migrate due to marriage commitments, some migrate for the children's needs. Some migrate to run away from reality. Some migrate to run away from Ah Longs. 

So if an individual wants to find out why his countrymen and women migrate, he is gazing at the wrong direction. Google would not lead him to the answers. It is also pointless. For the answers ultimately lies in his own heart. He knows it better than anybody else.



  1. I am not sure about other country but for Singapore, any individual who want to find out why his countrymen and women migrate to other counties can easily find online with some answers.

    However does it benefit the individual by getting the answer he or she is searching for?


  2. My answer is probably all of the above.
    Just got back from Gold Coast from my first landing as a new Aus PR.
    I like the weather, beaches, mountains, waterways and traffic there. The Pacific Fair shopping mall in Gold Coast is big with less shoppers even on a Sunday, my kids can run freely in it, somemore it comes with huge free parking area.

  3. hmm, millionaire idiots? Reminds me of Lee Sr and Goh?

    1. mai anyhow say, i have no 30k to pay

    2. A Security Officer in Perth also can earn A$45K per year(A$3,750 per month).

      Link: http://www.seek.com.au/Job/security-officer/in/perth-perth/23103530

      The most you work 1 year FOC in Perth & still have balance of A15K per year (A1,250 per month) after donation payment of A30K (Give A$ instead of S$ since they are poor)to P organization.


  4. Hi asingaporeanson,

    Now that you mentioned it, another popular keyword search that led some people to my blog seems to be "i hate pap" or similar variations. Maybe it is herd mentality? I don't know.

    Cheers, WD.

    1. That means you have a lot of 'i hate pap' articles in your blog :P

  5. i admit i wanna migrate to be away from my family

    i m the adventurous type n i wanna move n stay in a bigger country

  6. Some bitch asked me for such reasons 7 years ago. By the time I was done none of it got published. Basically they were issues that even the SG garment can't swallow.

    I find that digging for reasons for immigration is just a full reflection of how shallow these inquisitors are. Why bother? They are personal. Choice has been made. So what if they can be a genie and change things back or for the better? Another choice needs to be made thereafter.

    Why bother?

    1. who ? who asked you? why she never ask me ah

    2. Ministry of Transport, 2005. I quote:

      If you do migrate, what are some of the things that will make you want to continue your links with Singapore?

      As a (ex)-Singaporean, what will help you play an "Ambassador" role to promote/market Singapore overseas?

    3. Noted. Interesting that Ministry of Transport meddled with immigration issues too.

  7. Despite all the issues we face, SG still have one of the best education systems in the world. In OZ & US, there are drug issues in schools.

    This is a fact that I am seriously considering whether to migrate or not. What is your take asingaporeanson? :)

  8. Sporeans will not migrate if they are happy and contented with life in Spore. Its unhappiness, discontent, dislike that drive them overseas. Feelings are very powerful and motivating force in life. If you think of migrating but your feeling is against it, it will fail. Thinking + feeing = migrating.

  9. We migrated because we are not eligible for HDB and cannot afford a condo. Now, we can afford a house and a car on one person income. Quality of air is better, more space, more political freedom, no isa, better technology.

    1. I apply for Aus PR even though I previously stayed in a HDB flat and now I live in an EC, I have a car and a maid.
      Will be migrating to Aus soon.

  10. LBT, if u reading this, still NEH to you, understand??????

  11. For Malaysians Chinese, our answer is straight forward. The unfavorabour political scene has pushed us away. And lots of us. How we wish our capital is Singapore and prime minister is Lee Kuan Yew.

  12. I have half my previous colleagues in Australia And NZ ans 25% of my school mates. Migration is a difficult route. It is going away from your comfy and start afresh from the bottom.
