The Limit of Limit

This is the third week running I've been working overtime every single day. The first week was 10...

Golden Kirin

I caught Albany wailing outside the bathroom door last night. That was the way she waited patiently for...

Ninja Nurse

 I like nurses. Not in the fetish kind of way. We first learnt about nurses from our Primary...


No one survives life. Everybody dies from it. People have lived and died through all kinds of Dark...

The Secrets Behind Lim Swee Say's Message

"Many restaurants give you toothpicks, but the toothpick is so big it can never go through, but this...

Stripping Assets Behind Your Back

Singaporean Petroleum Company (SPC) should be a familiar name to most Singaporeans. The company was founded in 1969...

When the Stars Align

Good morning. Most of you would probably read this on Monday. It is an honour to share this...

The Route to 2016: Half Time

We are in the stage where a growing number of Singaporeans minds are slowly accepting that an infailable...

Music of Death

Fuck you NDP committee, for coming out with this shit. [click here to get cancer]. I felt like...

Why the PAP Deploys Full Troops on the Internet

A quick recap. Only barely 2 years ago, we were laughing at how noobish the PAP members were...

Ice on Windscreen

The unusual sound from the wiper made me look up while I was putting on the seat belt....

Singapore Government Should Come Clean First

While I am not surprised TRS receives lots of threats and warnings on regular basis, MP Zagy's choice...

Busting The 2nd Class Citizen Myth

All along I have been hearing statements from Singaporeans along the lines of, "I rather stay in Singapore...

A Little Confession On Why I Left Singapore

Weekend with Stargazer It was no secret that we made too little preparation before we came to Perth....

Real Bao

Back in the 1990s, we were very hungry secondary school boys experiencing our mega grow spurts. The problem...

Show Singaporeans Your Balls, Vivian Balakrishnan

Hey Vivian. I am talking to you as a countryman to another. Not a citizen supposedly under your...


I met this gentleman some weeks back. As a mountain tortise all my life in Singapore, every individual...

The Shackles

Hi Nix Nice to "meet" you and thank you for setting up such blog about migration to Australia....