Angie and Lex's Initial Entry

I live near a vineyard. It isn't the best suburb in Perth. In fact, in real estate websites,...

Introducing Responsibility to Kids

Kids being kids, like what they all agree, are strong absorbing sponges that will soak up any liquid...

Playing the Race Card Now

Due to the proposed constitutional change, Singapore will have its first-ever elected Malay President next year - if...

Strawberry Picking Again

Strawberry picking is available during Spring in Perth, around September to November. There seems to be an increasing...

Fixing the Damaged Pavement

I have never met him and I don't know his name. Yet I received a gift worth more...

Father and Child Camping

As part of The Father Project, The Big Camp Out offered fathers the chance to spend quality one-on-one...

Bricking It

The gap between the neighbour's wall and Savvy Steve's garage was annoyingly big. I reckon a little kid...

The Rules of Survival

Call me negative. I don't give a shit. To be honest, neither should you. I piss people off...

The Art of Survival

The above picture was taken after dinner just outside where I resided. Bare footed. For all I needed...

Trump Won. So What?

I surprised some of my friends by not joining them in mourning Hillary Clinton's defeat. Rants aplenty when...

I am Nothing

I received a call from a Singaporean lady in her mid twenties the afternoon before. She wanted to...