Company Xmas Lunch

You would expect a lot of big deal about Christmas in Australia, being a westernised country. Yet to date, I have yet to hear a single Christmas song anywhere. Not on the radio, not on the car stereo. Nothing.

I didn't go down to Orchard Road these years. I told myself I didn't want to do that anymore after that 24th December in 1994. I was 16 then working as a ceramic goods replenisher at Taka Square, B2. I almost couldn't get home that night after a tiring full 14 hours of work. The seed of my hatred for crowds was planted that night. Back then, Singapore was a probably a 'mere' three and a half million people.

To be honest, I miss the blight and hype of Christmas in Singapore. Over the years I did pass by Orchard Road in December, not on the eve of Christmas of course. The songs blasted from all shops, the dreamy feel of the decorations and the normally cool weather around that time of the year did make me feel good. The spirit of Christmas would be felt everywhere  even outside the town area in the heartland malls and the neighbourhood market places.

There is none of these here. Firstly, it's Summer here. Bright and hot. There was nothing that I described above. Though Steve the supervisor told me I might be able to experience something like that in Perth City, I doubt it. Not Orchard Road standard. Surprisingly too, the radio stations do not spam Christmas songs like they do back home. It's like Christmas doesn't matter here.

There was no work today. We had a Christmas Lunch instead. It was obviously too early but no one wants to give a damn about it during the real Christmas week. Everyone just wants to be at home with their family and not at work, Christmas Lunch or whatever. That's probably what really matters here.

I can't be with my family back home. I miss my mother and my dog. I still do, probably more than 80 over days ago. Hopefully we'll be spending the next Christmas together.

The lunch was, of course, in the workshop. Everything takes place over there for us. It was a pretty impressive spread. There was lobsters, prawns, turkey, beef, roast pork, salad, sweet cakes and tarts, beer and coke. More than enough for everyone present.

I had half a lobster, a couple of prawns and made myself a beef sandwich. I have to say seafood is amazing here. The prawn for example, was boiled with only water and then chilled in a fridge. It had nothing added to it but it tasted... unlike any prawns I've tasted before. I might have a word for that special taste - freshness?

The trailer was reversing in with that big thing but it doesn't stop us from setting up lunch
The young boss (in checks) gave a inspiring speech before we dig in 
Lobster cooked simple but it 'punched above its weight'
Went home with 2 bottles of wine and a $100 Coles voucher. Not bad.



  1. If there is a "like" buttom here like facebook do, I would certainly give you a "like".....I think Christmas is meant to be with family just like the purpose for CNY.....

  2. @peyning, thank you penny. I think u'll miss your family when u come over too...

  3. Aussies are really laid back like that I feel.. Lovely chill vibe with fresh seafood, what's not to like? Yet, since I've been working away from home I often think back to the book 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho. No matter where I am I'd still think the best place is home.. Homesickness kicks in every month and to think I'm still in the same country just different states! Respect to people who are brave enough to venture into foreign lands!

  4. @saltvinegar: Nah, Aussies work v hard. It's just that they draw a clear line between work and leisure and both never mix.

    I agree with you that the best place is home. But we have different definition of home. It's not a physical place for me. It's where the love is and where your heart is.

  5. What?! No Xmas song yet? That's surely unexpected in a western country like Australia. haha.

    You can tune in to local radio online for some christmas song like 98.7FM/98FM/95FM to sink into the Christmas mood. hehe. ;)

  6. @Lionel: I dun have unlimited internet so i dun do these yet. im looking forward to having my own place, adsl and stuff. i'm too impatient.. it's too early for these.
