Bad Advice

It's just a dog's life "Do What You Love and You'll Never Work a Day" Utter crap. Yet...

A Little Dose of Happiness Here and There

"It doesn't take much to make you happy eh?" Was it Patrick who said that, or somebody else?...

Another Birthday

On the eve, several people sent me birthday wishes via whatsapp. Wow, have I became so well known...

Pretty Tied Up

The windows, roused by the wind of change, were drumming as I typed. The wind brought Summer to...

Summer's Vengeance

I shouldn't have been yaya papaya. He was a slow walker for sure. Slow but steady and he...

Dragon Year Baby Myth of Singapore

I dislike old wives tales and hate people who help spread them without stopping to think for a...

First Day of Lunar New Year

Getting to work wasn't easy. Not with my heart left at home with my 5 day old newborn...

Missy Yee's Answer

Albany and her stupid man Dear MissyYee, I'm aware that Albany's Dad promised you an answer. The answer...

Our Anniversary

Dear Jen, We have known each other for 10.5 years. Days just slipped by routinely and then the...

Cost of Delivering a Baby in Perth

We came to Perth on 17th Sept 2011. Jenny was 5 months pregnant then. We didn't have a...

Conceiving Conundrum

When I wrote this post about ending the blog, I set the target on Albany's arrival in my...

Sweet Child 'O' Mine

I used to say migration is no big deal. Thousands of Singaporeans have migrated. I'm the only one...

The Waiting Game

We checked in to King Edward Hospital at 1900hrs last night. I stay overnight with her in the...

4 Months of Perth

Bibra Lake, WA Time flies. We came in mid-Spring. It is mid-Summer now. A season worth of time...

$10 Chye Tow Kuay

Match report by asingaporeanson. Nearly hero LEAGUE leaders PAP took an unexpected shock home defeat against the team...

Powered by Negativity

Foreword This is probably a post that nobody really wants to read. I've been procrastinating about it since I landed...

First World Country: Third World Discrimination

If anyone wants to hire a hardworking and responsible admin staff, feel free to contact me. Maggie is currently...

Audit Your Conscience

From Mr Wallace Ng's facebook wall: The story is that a Deloitte's partner put this on the front...