I got the lift going with a deft turn and a smart tap all in one movement. My...
Perth Airport The anniversary of a year worth of adventures was certainly worth mentioning. Ironically, I am writing...
Is Shamirah going to turn up? She did. Will the car break down? It didn't. Will we get...
Hi singaporeanson,Thank you for reading this email. I chanced upon your blog like many readers and I would...
On the $60 haircut saga, Mr Heng said: "The simple fact is that the son was reminded over...
Two pictures that illustrate a nation I received links to the above picture from two friends a few...
那就是我们新加坡人不对了。三千元月薪的工作都不惜,就难以责怪世界第一政府对外来天才偏爱。不说您不知,荣寿司老板符标雄上100.3早班节目受访说,“我确实很难找到收碗碟工人,至今还要填补10个空缺,很多人最后无法适应工作所需的条件。” [番茄酱] 这位帅哥还说明难请人3因素:难堪、辛苦、前途无‘亮’。 今天新加坡儿屁股有点痒,想多管闲事。怎么说,闲杂儿是我的专长。 这是帅哥老板公司的启示吧? 放大给大家欣赏一下 就算小学生随便算一下都知道荣寿司服务工不可能月薪高达3000元。是荣寿司人事部作怪还是帅哥老板放大炮?您在找工作吗?3000元月薪合理吗?不如给帅哥老板来个拜访。只有10个空缺,赶快哦。 ****** 虽然我的华文干烂,还是有本事写一点,阿婷不可以说我是土豆。 您, 泥心,新加坡儿 ...
By now, this blog is one year old. For the past year, I wrote quite extensively on migration...
"Dirt cheap leh. (You) can buy onions to throw (at) ppl to death"- Fellow Singaporean sister in Perth,...
The Oracle often met up for coffee dated back to the early 1990s. The range of conversation topics...
This post is to be filed under a new section I will be opening up in the next...
The current generation will probably not understand. I belonged to the last group of fanatics who followed our...
When I read that Georgina Rinehart told Australians that they need to cut labor costs in order to...
Come, sit around me and let me share a story with you. I will not take up much...
by asingaporeanson.blogspot.com I can't help but laugh when I read Lucky Tan's latest blog post [link] on the...
Harness the Power of Negativism From the Master himself asingaporeanson Introduction: I remembered the period of being unemployed...
I remembered the smell of the Spring Breeze. I remembered writing about it not long after I came...
Good morning. Sometime back, I received emails regularly for migration advice. Coincidentally, so many of them were from...
Past Rants
- Hello Again, Singapore
- 1 Year of Perth
- Homecoming
- Miss C Wants to Pei Du
- A Cheer For Heng Swee Keat
- Edmund
- Beneath That Veneer
- 新加坡人3000元工作,不干!
- Why Do Singaporeans Migrate?
- Cheap Onions
- The 1 Million Dollars HDB Flat Prediction
- Top Ten Bestowable Titles for Overseas Singaporeans
- What Laurentia Tan Means to Me
- Why Can't You Even Pretend to Love?
- Musical Fountain
- Singaporeans Are Being Watched
- Harness the Power of Negativism: Lesson 1
- Spring Again
- Migration Questions: Healthcare Industry
- New Migration Guidelines (1 July 2012)