Good Riddance Again Fuckbook, Hahaha

I've quit Fuckbook once. I have zero remorse over it. Among all my friends I was the last person to have a Facebook account. Then I got to know my good neighbour Ang Jia Qin, who insisted I have to have a Facebook account because I was being left out of the neighbourhood page and the information exchange. So she created an account for me. I think she must have regretted it later on after I kept trolling my neighbours when I have nothing better to do.

Later on, I deleted my account because I don't see any value it brings to my life. If anything, it was bringing more bad than good. Sometime after I left for Perth, Ang Jia Qin helped me create ANOTHER Facebook account. She must really enjoy my presence on Facebook. The strange thing is, she hardly even communicate with me on Facebook. Since she was so nice to care about my social network life, I have been a Facebook user since.

Until today that is. Again, I have no remorse. In fact, I'm glad this happened. This time though, I didn't quit Facebook. They kicked me out.

So I was supposed to use my "real name" in Facebook and am required to attach my ID with a photograph of my fuckface on it.. In all honesty, it made my blood boil because it reminded me of the draconian methods of my old village. I didn't join a virtual networking website to tell them every fucking thing about myself. So, does Fuckbook wants me to enter my fucking NRIC number as well?

This was my reply to them.

I have no regrets. I've never felt that good for a while.

Anyone who is reading this and happened to be one of the people who follow my page on Facebook, please help me tell the rest of the few hundred followers to stop following my page because it is not going to be updated anymore.

I'm happy to be back to my own quiet corner here with my 5 faithful readers. Real friends will know how to contact me anyway. For recent old friends who found me on Facebook and still want to keep in contact, you can email me at

So long Fuckbook. You won't miss me and neither will I.


1 comment:

  1. Sometimes all u need is a chance meeting... U sounding like an old fart already. Encik G
