The Hardest Way to Earn 1 Million Bucks

They propagated lies about the wonders of stress and have a whole nation believing in it. Stress, they say, is good for progress. It drives one to greater heights. Parents take it all in, hook, line and sinker. They try turning their kids to spinning ballerinas, spell casting mathematics wizards. They jump or turn loony. The survivors die at 25 but only cremated at 85, spending their time spreading their zombie-like affliction in the middle, echoing propaganda messages of plague.

Stress is merely a common factor of cancer. If you are regular recipient of stress at a level you cannot handle, say hello to cancer. Go talk to any cancer patient and ask if they have suffered from extreme stress in some periods of their lives. Only with passion, stress can be processed into a useful by-product in the form of challenge, determination and perseverance. Without passion, unnecessary stress can never be good for any young child, who is ill-equipped to handle it. I have not seen a single successful person who reached the pinnacle of his or her field based on dealing with stress alone. What drives Buffet on is not being the richest man on earth but the thrill of getting his bets right. Soros thrives on the motivation derived from his trauma when his family lost everything from wealth to identity, in order to survive the Nazis.

Joseph Schooling's recent rise to being the King of Butterfly is a product of his innate passion. According to his father, there was an episode when his 8 years old son woke him up at 4 am in the morning, asking to go for his swimming practice. Imagine the opposite, where the older Schooling tried pushing his son to be a future swimming star, who did not have the passion and interest in the project. Will he have became a champion Olympian? If Joseph Schooling has been fueled by his relentless passion in the past, he probably have to handle the real stress now.

His bandwagon is growing at an incredible rate, filling up with toxic balls of white thrash, I'm not sure if donating a few Toyota Hiluxes to him is enough to handle it. You would think the best reward for Schooling's gold medal effort is wiring him one million bucks before sending his girlfriend to his hotel room but no, he had to pose for pictures with glory snatchers, SIA girls and whatnot. After training like crazy for more than a decade and now to deal with this shit, if I'm Joseph Schooling, I'll think twice about winning in future. That must be the hardest way to win a million bucks. No wonder parents are turning their kids into spinning ballerinas, spell casting mathematics wizards. Better to sleep in Parliament than to swim your guts out only having to take obligated pictures selfies with glory hunting scum.



  1. Isn't that what they are good at, the scums in white?
    They would take it from you even when you protest -remember the good doctor whose patent was stolen by MINDEF whose minister is a doctor. I guess the 'hypocritical oats' don't count outside of medical issues.

  2. Perhaps he is enjoying the attention?

    Don't think he will be stressed.
