Got the Job (in principle) But ...

So I rushed down to the company for the unexpected interview that I sent in the application for...

Interview for Contracts Administrator Job

Less than 12 hours after I sent the resume on Friday night, I received a call on Saturday...

Applying For a Job that I Don't Qualify For

A friend from the past gave me a job lead. It was a contracts administrator role in a...

Airbnb: 48 Days

If you are new to Airbnb's host interface, the dark green part indicates days you are booked on...

Throwing Eggs at Shanmugam

Sigh. I'm not sure why folks in the whatsapp group keep posting Singapore related news. Truth to be...

Keep Moving

If you are discouraged at this particular point of your life and happen to stumble upon this post,...

First Booking

We put up our listing in Airbnb as a dry run last Friday evening. Our intention was to...

Merging Lanes

One car on the left goes in, one car on the right goes in. It doesn't matter who...


We have spares rooms in the house. Should we? I know most people will cringe with the idea...

Plant A Tree

Back after 2 years and the first post is about planting a tree? Why the fucking not? Listen...