A Simple Drive, a Perth Story

My drive to work takes 35 minutes to and 25 minutes fro. It's just a normal drive, nothing spectacular but it tells a lot if you take a closer look. In Singapore, we are brought up to work with constraints. Every time we wanted something, we would be told of the constraints. Constraints, constraints constrains. 

Of course in life, there must be constraints. It serves as a moderating index, keeping things in order. That's the way it should be, keeping things in order - not keeping things limited. People say life is relaxing in Perth. Work life is ruled out but for life outside work, I got to agree.

I would be hunted down driving my Renault Kangoo on the right most lane down West Coast Highway at 110km/h like I used to. Over here, you can be driving a multi-combination heavy container truck at 100km/h if you like it. (and they do that all the time)

I have vans such as Toyota Highace overtaking me on the right lane all the time, and they kept staying on the right. Who restricted vans below 70km/h in Singapore? He's one dumb ass, whatever crap he is.

They take care of cyclists here by giving them a huge lane instead of a double yellow line to cycle on. Lack of space in Singapore? Oh yeah, contraints contraints. And they made it illegal for cyclist to cycle on pavements in Singapore? How the hell do they expect young people and elderly folks to cycle safely on double yellow lines? More like "you-die-your-business-foreign-talent-coming-to-replace-you". Space constraint my butt!

Wide unobstructed views. There are times with not a single piece of cloud in sight and the sky is deep blue. Amazing. It makes you gaze dreamily and calm down for a while. Always do. That's what we need to do once in a while. Slow down and smell the flowers. Or gaze at the distant hills.

No house to live in Perth? No problem. With a decent car with enough horsepower, you can pull your house with you if you like, in the form of a caravan.

They allow vowels here and a personalised plate cost no more than AUD$150. Cheaper ones available at around AUD$50++. It is no big deal? Not really. It is fun to see funny and weird car plates every now and then (almost everyday in fact) and have a short laugh about it with your wife.

Isn't laughing a good thing?

All in all, little things adds up to loosen life a bit. So far, I find it refreshing. I'm still discovering the little differences here and there. Little cons such as places close at 5pm and stuff are not bothering me the slightest. I don't even shop or visit pubs in Singapore anyway. In fact, I wish the streets will be cleared of cars and human by 6pm in Singapore. That would be heavenly.



  1. haha those car plates are cool~~
    unlike SG ones.. so boring...
    use some funny fonts den will kena fine.. boo..


  2. Somehow driving here is very relaxing. People merge slowly and nicely and keep to speed and to the left mostly. And have you seen the way they try to get out of the way of an ambulance with sirens on?

    Looking at the cars also brings back a lot of memories. One can see cars from years ago which you will never see again in SGP.

    No, I am not taking a dig at your 16 year old toyota :) It is a decent car.

    1. hi visited perth 2013 june with family. i drive for 5 years in singapore. rented a car to drive to yanchap and gin gin. was a fantastic drive! no stress n i marvelled at the way people keep to the speed limit. i did not even hear a horn n no body flashes a high beam. trying driving in singapore. u would hear horns see high beams at u if u keep to the speed limit, and best of all 75% of drivers wont give way esp after u on signals. miss perth

  3. hmm the custom car plate has a annual "license" fee to pay.

    I hear from a frd its 500$ per year to maintian...I may be wrg with the cost of $500 but there is $$ involove to keep it.


  4. @ Sei: that's not true.


    It's a one time charge, unless you want to re-make, retain or transfer.
    none of these cost $500, i wonder where the figure comes from

  5. @ Patrick, so far no issues with the drivers here yet. But there are bad drivers everywhere so Perth is not an exception. Just have to be careful.

  6. @ Julia: The personalised plates are not that expensive. Got those blue cheap ones at $100+. 3 alphabets with 3 numbers. For eg. NIX888

    if you want JULIA on the plate only with nothing else... expensive loh.. $400+

    Well, still better than those 'good number' plates in sg. an SGX8888 for eg, probably cost thousands or more. It's not even cool :D

  7. wah how come only alphabets is more exp one.. hahaha...


  8. @ Julia, thank you for visiting again. Felt lonely at times talking to wall here :)

    The more personalised, the more ex. I saw some plates with funny colours and designs also. Those prob cost even more. But at least it is allowed you see :)
