Dragons of the Winter Night

I came to Perth in Spring. By now, I have experienced all 4 seasons here. That represents a wheel, death and a new beginning. In a short time frame, from an  below average random Singaporean man on the street, I became a blogger, a happy father, a cook, a director, a crybaby, a mechanic, a patient, a carpenter, a mover, a machinist, a metal tradesman, a car tester, a tour guide, an adventurer, a burn victim, an injured soul, a wayward friend, a car crasher, migration adviser, an internet friend and foe, a supervisor, a labourer, a forklift driver, a deliveryman, a chauffeur, a weakling, a stubborn mule, an anti-establishment, a plumber, a rag-and-bone man and an explorer and a long bit I can't finish listing.

It was a truly humbling experience.  Someone once said to me, "Life has ups and downs, or you'll be dead." Wise words. Akin the cardiac monitor in a hospital, the ups and downs do represent life and a straight line, indicates death.

I am not sure how many of you have been with me from the beginning but you sure are with me at the end. I have intruded into your lives way too long. Unless you are a totally emotionless person, i.e a dead man, whichever entry of the blog that invoked any sort of feeling, be it boredom, happiness, sadness, anger or whatever unimaginable emotion, is an intrusion to your lives. It is time for me to go, as I have been a guest too long.

Thank you for being with me for one full cycle of my life in Perth. I believe I have written more than enough for anyone of you interested in finding out how life is here. Remember, Perth does not represent Australia. Perth life does not even represent Western Australia. It is such a big place, there will always be somewhere that is more suitable or unsuitable for anyone.

The blog has did more than what I expected it to do. It turned out to be a rich avenue for advice for me as well as others. I also got to know 99% of my friends in Perth via the blog directly or indirectly. It was an amazing journey and I felt honoured to be the captain on board for over 270 days. 

I'll probably be somewhere in cyberspace sometime in the near future, another project perhaps if any interests me. Or maybe just regularly playing some offline games or MMORPG. I'll devote most of my newly found time to my wife, who has been absolutely wonderful since Day 1. She couldn't cook an egg properly when we landed but tonight she whipped up a mean meal of pizza and began to bake delicious cakes for us, albeit some disasters along the way. 

It's a sad day for Grammar Nazis lurking around the blog. Regrettably, this rich mine will cease operation. I chose to leave the blog open instead of deleting it, lest any information comes useful to anyone.

If you wish to contact me (no guaranteed replies)

email: asingaporeanson@gmail.com
facebook: asingaporeanson@gmail.com

Seeya, I wish everyone good health, good wealth and lasting happiness.





  1. Somehow, I expected this would occur but never thought it to be so soon. I will certainly miss a daily dose of your writing. However, do return to posting your blog in future if you could.

    I was contemplating whether to ask you to post about food outlet albeit an advertisement for Tina's Kitchen - run by a Singaporean Malay who has been here for 8 years. I shall bring your readers' attention to this link then.


    Tina serves Mee Rebus, Mee Siam, Mee Soto, Briyani, Nasi Lemak, etc. Prices range from $8.50-9.50

    Unit 6/16 Mends St, South Perth. Close on Monday.

    You won't see her shop on main part of Mends St, but it is located next to the pizza takeaway when you turn into the carpark located at the back of Wndsor Hotel.

  2. Au Revoir.

  3. I'm sad you've decided to stop blogging - your ability to write in a way that your readers can relate to is a special gift. There is so much more you can share with people - your experience of bringing up a child in Australia, schooling, buying your first home, gardening, traveling around Australia etc. don't be put off by people who willfully misunderstand you and accuse you of Singapore-bashing. There are many many more people who benefit from your insights into life in your little corner of Australia. You said yourself that your blogs chronicle your new life and will serve to help you remember. Keep blogging.

    A Fellow Singaporean In Oz

  4. you have been a great source of help and inspiration.

    may your journey continue to be rich, with its ups and downs.

    i hope to be able to catch a new blog by yourself, should you decide so!

  5. Join us anonymous progressing ex-SG'eans, brethren. Welcome yourself into the next phase of living true to yourself.

    Behold the trivialities SG'eans hold close to their hearts and remember that there is no pleasing everyone -- 12 years ago most of us bore the brunt of heat when we embarked on maturing overseas as ordained by our rulers in SG -- to this day we return to a near-extinct race with ITYS anecdotes and experiences. Now is never too late!

    For the past year I have caught up with my dad to understand the context of Singapore lifestyle back in the 50's and 60's: how myopic SG'eans are nowadays! Back then any chance to score an early start in life (read: 18-25 years old) overseas was considered by family and friends to be as good as scoring big on lottery. Even 8 years ago among the wiser older generation (e.g. my father-in-law, senior peers) they see migration as the wisest choice, given the situation back then, and especially now.

    Grow! Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be!

    Planted trees grow roots deeper and faster than native trees in a forest. Life is not worth living until you've stepped out of one's country to adapt. Right now you're basing self-sufficiency -- in the future maybe international financial independence, or an immigration consultant, or something else that you have yet to discover in your own potential.


    If you dare to understand and track spread, you'd find that the spread between your and SG'eans' (plural) abilities, skills, understanding, self-sufficiency, survivability, wealth, etc will widen a whole lot more. Where they may progress y=x, you're going to be doing y=kx (where k = 2 or more), and much much more if and when you treat all emotional SG baggage (PAP, culture) as trivialities.

    That's only from me out of many who've walked this path. Others may have more to share, or may not (even I could be their triviality)

    Keep in touch!

  6. Well, regrettably, the ride had to end sometime. It's better to end at a high, anyway.

    I shall miss not checking up your blog at breakfast every morning to see what new stories you have written, but, hey, better to call and talk to you in person, what!

    I wish you happy adventures as you live out your wanderlust as any kender would.

  7. Thank you for sharing your life and thoughts with us, truly a great gift of friendship to many. We will miss your insights, the highs and lows of everyday life we can all relate to and the very useful knowledge gained in moving to Perth. It will remove the worry of uncertainty for those that follow you. May you and your family continue to prosper and enjoy a very happy life.

  8. Thank you for your honest writing about your journey. I have enjoyed and also gained from it. I feel you will write again when the time is right. I look forward to it.

    All the best to you and your family. I am confident you will do well.

    --- a fan (tehtarik) in Melbourne. ps. the offer of a coffee if you're ever in Melbourne still stands.

  9. I hope you will return to blogging about your life in Perth. It is interesting and addictive to read about your journey. Don't let what others might say about your writing or second guess your intention for doing so.... discourage you.

    Like Mr Wang, you could blog once in a while and that would keep us - your loyal fans - happy too :)

  10. It's winter... So hibernate. Come Spring, we want to see your new blog/posting - signify new life, new journey, new phase of life, etc.

  11. I'm sad that you have decided not to document your experiences in Perth any longer, but glad for you that you and your family are well and happy in a new land/home.

    Take care!

  12. gonna miss my daily dose of your blog. left a comment in one of your blog before but did't leave a name. btw i am joey, my hubby and i am looking forward to our new lives in melbourne next year. take great care and be bless!

  13. can't say you have experienced 4 seasons in Oz if you only arrived last Sept. Coldest usually in July & it would be interesting to know how you feel,experience & encounter then - as a way to share with other newbies or would-be, and if for nothing else, a good distraction to the long nights for others... In any case, should continue (practise) blogging ( like all doctors "practise" medicine on their patients). Blogging these days can make good & decent money, althought sparks may fly but it won't physically burn throught your work cloths or hurt your eyes!

  14. Thanks Nix for sharing with us your journey. I will miss reading your blog and hope you will write soon - A fellow Singaporean in Brisbane.

  15. Hi Nix,
    My wife and I are ex-Singaporeans living in Vancouver. We have read and followed your blog since the beginning. We are immensely impressed by your writing and personal perseverance. May we wish You and your family all the best in your future journey in Perth.

  16. Nix,

    Sad you are ending this blog. Nevertheless, I respect your decision and wish you best of luck for your new life in Perth.

    Cheers bro....


  17. BTW, to those mean Anonymous, reckon you guys are happy now.....

  18. All the best to you, -asingaporeanson- !

  19. All the best! It has been a pleasure being one of your readers.

  20. Err.... I believe you will return to write. Maybe not now but later. Just take a long break and relax. Thks for your forthright views and comments. Best wishes to you. Cheers!

  21. It's a pity you are ending this blog. Husband and I have been reading your blog ocassionally and discussing about the things you've written.

    Your blog has been our "chicken soup" since the day we decided to apply for residency and eventually moved to NZ. Unknowingly and unconsciously, you've became an inspiration and given us the encouragement that we need- we've always been reminding ourselves that, "If Nix (who moved to Perth with a pregnant wife)can do it, so can we (2 childless adults)!"

    Hope you will resume your writings in the future and continue to be the inspiration for many fellow Singaporeans, especially those whose favorite line is, "I have kids, I can't leave."

    - A Singaporean in NZ

  22. Yo brother
    I jus tink u shud cont to write but I respect ur decision cos I kno u treasure frenship dearly.


  23. Good luck ... keep the dreams alive


  24. What a pity! I love reading your blogs. Maybe drop an update once in a while so that we know how you, wife & daughter are doing.

    All the very best...

    Singaporean in Sydney

  25. All the best!!!!! Love to all at home, M
