Hmm .... Judy's Coming Back!

If I remember correctly, Judy contacted me a few years ago and told me she was short by some points if she was to nominate herself as an accountant. She only decided to come to Australia last year to "try things out" by taking a course in bakery, fulfilling her passion at the same time. I should have told her to do it that year instead of waiting till 2016. For she might actually be able to chalk up 60 points nominating herself as Baker or Rest.Mgr. Age (15) + IELTS (20) + 1 year work experience IN Australia (5) + 2 x Cert III (10) + Study in Aust (5) + Study in Regional (5)

To do so, Judy must come to Australia by 40 years old, study 2 years, work 1 year in relevant fields in one of her courses and the tougher call, getting 8 for IELTS. Well it isn't that impossible, I know a number of people who managed to get that grade. Judy's English isn't that far off the mark. She can probably make it with some training.

It's all too late for all that because she came later. I've have to remind young Singaporeans to may hay while the sun shines. It doesn't only apply to keeping away the money you exchanged with time but also executing your plans. Be it starting your own enterprise, travel and see the world or in this case, you have have thought so of migration to Australia or other countries. For Australia in particular, your age alone can make or break your dreams.

18–24 years
25–32 years
33–39 years
40–44 years
45–49 years

Look at that shit. If you come at the right time, do a course on the SOL and apply within the 23-32 years range, you gain 30 points from this category by just being young enough. Contrast that with another who tries applying at 45 years old, how is he or she going to claim the 30 points deficit from other categories? It simply cannot be done. We should never sit on our dreams until it is too late.

Judy sent me a message early this week to confirm her return! Her core purpose is to complete her course in proper. I applaud her for that intent. No matter what her children say to that, I think it is the correct decision because as a mother, she is setting a good example of beginning with the end in mind, completing a task instead of giving up. Granted there are bound to be sacrifices and pain the family have to suffer, it also tell the young kids that it isn't easy to achieve anything without hard work or delayed gratification. “要象老妈一样,不可以半途而废” will be her tagline in future should her kids try to chao keng. Half a year later, Judy can graduate with a cert to her name. Hopefully it will help with her baking career in Singapore. Heh heh.

Well, it is not to say Judy's Australian dreams are over. All avenues related to the points system are out. That means she will not be able to qualify for visas leading to PR based solely on her merit. However, there is a remaining option. Subclass 457. Well, that isn't probably Judy or her family will consider due to the amount of time she will have to be away from home and also the risk of the unstable employer-employee sponsorship relationship she has to deal with.

Lest anyone else, if not Judy, is interested in this, here are some statistics about working visa.

  • The DIBP granted 22,870 visas between July and 31 December last year. (That's quite a number)
  • The highest ANZSCO grouping was for Managers, now making up 18% of the program (down from 18.8%), professionals were 53.6% and technicians and trades workers were 24% of the program intake, down from 26% previously.
  • India is now well established as the primary source country (24%), passing the UK (17.7%) which had led the field for quite a few years. (well.... ok)
  • The most popular occupations for primary visas granted were cooks (5.7% of total grants) followed by café or restaurant managers (4.4%) and developer programmers (4.3%). (cook and cafe managers is likely to be a high turnover occupation)
  • NSW dominates the numbers by state, with 42.1% of all granted visas, followed by Victoria (24.8%), and WA (14.9%). NSW also had the strongest growth in visa applications, up over 10%, followed by Tasmania, up 4.8%. All other jurisdictions recorded drops in the numbers of applications. (Perhaps Judy should have gone to NSW)
  • The number of subclass 457-visa holders who were granted a permanent residence or provisional visa was 26,620, an increase of 5.6%. (encouraging statistic)

I've been reading up about this visa. It's an annoying pile of data to go through. Doesn't matter if she is interested or not, just reading up to know more. If I can make sense of it, I'll include information in another post about it.

Oh btw, Mr Ow, you will be relegated to the study room in May. haha. Bobian, first come first serve.



  1. Hey nix, Judy can try looking at subclass 489 visa. I don't remember it needing an employer sponsoring

    1. She can only take the invited pathway of 489 as her current visa doesn't make her eligible for the extended pathway. The invited pathway requires the passing of the points system. Her age knock her points back, so 489 or anything that requires passing the points system will not work, unfortunately.

  2. She can try a student visa in nursing or healthcare which can easily get employer sponsorship after the course.
