The Waiting Game

We checked in to King Edward Hospital at 1900hrs last night. I stay overnight with her in the labour room. It was our night last as a couple.

The balloon was installed to induce labour at about 2000hrs but we didn't get to sleep until midnight because Albany's heart rate was too fast at 180/min. Poor Jen had to wear the uncomfortable monitoring strap for hours. Albany's heart rate went down to normal range only at around 0300hrs. I was already asleep by then.

After her water bag was burst manually by the doctor at 0630hrs, Jen has not been herself. Her eyes are closed all the time as contractions kicks in waves after waves. She doesn't talk or smile anymore, totally immense in pain...

Jen received a lot of compliments throughout her pregnancy. She had no pregnancy sickness and complications. No swelling at the legs and any other common issues that we had been warned of. Since the last night she was complimented again for her high threshold for pain by several different medical staff who attended to her.

We had her epidural done. I insisted on it. Even the chap who did the procedure for her praised her and said it was one of his best job, citing many patients screamed at him at the same stage. The water drips periodically since 0630hrs. Midwife commented Jen has an unusually large pool of water.

I have to say that the service and the professionalism of King Edward's medical staff is impressive so far. We have faith that this will turn out really fine...

Albany is 8 days late by now. Waiting continues...



  1. has she come out? we are also waiting....ask Jen to jia you! Take care too...

    ah pooh

  2. hang in there .. and God bless

  3. I am sincerely happy for you and your new child. Blessings!

  4. is Albany out?
    both mummy and baby will be alright.. dun worry..

    hehe... *happy*


  5. out le ma????

    ah pooh

  6. All will be fine! Take care

  7. Jia you!!! - Kenobi

  8. take more pics n show us ok...:p

    ah pooh

  9. out le...

    ah pooh

  10. Thanks everyone, my wife and daughter are both safe. I'm very happy. Thanks a lot for the well wish and prayers all these while

  11. Congrats!!! first pre-PR baby that we know!
    Blessings Notti n Jen - kenobi
