Still no Exchange Program, Singapore?

So that's how it works? Two Immigration Ministers sign an agreement and there we go. What the fuck, then, is Teo Chee Hean doing? Perhaps he should sacrifice one of his golf games and call up Peter Dutton to have a chat. Today, Vietnam joins their SEA neighbours Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia in an exchange program with Australia. Even Bangladesh is in but not Singapore. Why?

Elly coming my way
I don't think we need to list out the mutual benefits of an exchange program and Singapore believes in exchange programs for certainty. For a start, I may be able to spot Elly Tran Ha getting her fruits picked in a farm along Swan Valley one day. In fact, Singapore loves and believe in exchange programs. The Ministry of Defence and Minister Ng Eng Hen had no qualms forking out $25,900 for hiring an English teacher for some military officers from the PRC during an exchange program, no? Why then, are we so uptight in allowing a few students out to pick fruits in Swan Valley and a few of theirs to shake dices at Marina Bay Sands? 

Many suggested that such a move has been sanctioned due to the Government's concerns of a deficit brain flow. If that is true, it reflects how petty and narrow minded our Government is. If anything, such a move cannot be more contradicting to the consistent claims of our Government about how clean and safe we are, how incorruptible we are and how we among the top countries that everyone else in the world desire to live and work in. If these claims are true, I challenge our Home Affairs to allow more young Singaporeans to travel out to see how inferior a country like Austalia is by securing an work exchange program such as what Vietnam has just done. Then we can welcome returning Singaporeans who have seen the truth and will stay and contribute to Singapore, confident that they are serving the best land in the world.



  1. Probably worried that they'll come to Oz & decide never to go back.

  2. Now, can we go back to the thing about Elly? ;p
