Baey Yam Keng - Sorry No Cure Understand?

Baey Yam Keng is one confused dog. Before sending a lawyer's letter to me Mr Baey, I was...

Singaporeans Gathering

Last Sunday was a little special. We did a little gathering, all thanks to Denise's help in organising...

The Reason Why I'll Never Walk Alone

Life is as tough as being a Liverpool supporter since 1990. The media tells the world you are...

Perth VS Singapore (Rosti friendly match)

Here's something interesting: Cooking duel over whatsapp over different continents between my beautiful neighbour Mrs Lim (formerly known...

Baey and the PAP - Stop This Meritocracy Bull Shit Already

Today's Yahoo! article on Baey Yam Keng's prata flipping follow up comment on  the whathisname PRC scholar issue left me...

Singaporeans in Australia

My friend Patrick did a guest blogger act by posting a really long comment in my post the...

Rejoice, Baey Yam Keng is a Dog

What's the big hoo hah being called a dog by a PRC student that we paid large amount...

Migrant Blood

My maternal grandparents were both from China. Decades ago, they migrated to Malaysia and lived there ever since....

How You Lose Money From the Consumer Market

It's market talk tonight. You don't play the stock market? Doesn't matter. This post is for every consumer....

Happy Birthday Tucky

This post is harder than I initially thought it would be. There are too many things that we...

Albany's Full Month

Albany, 5.0 kg at first month The traditional Chinese Baby Shower, also known as 滿月 has an origin...

5 Months of Perth

Mandurah Sunset When I penned my thoughts about our 4th month in Perth, we were still a couple....

Khaw Beh Khaw Bu

I have not written a single post on Yaw Shin Leong before. This post is not an exception....

Why I Chose to Have a Baby

Today is St Valentine's Day so let's start the first reason with something nice. My child is my...

How to Apply for Australian Permanent Resident Visa (Subclass 175)

**Important: Information provided is only accurate at the time of posting. Due diligence is recommended to confirm changes to the...