One of the Many Untold Stories of the Obnoxious Overseas Singaporeans Unit (OSU) (and their cronies)

GUEST BLOGGER Satki Yoda 28 September 2015 No, despite the clickbait-like title, this is not some fucking stupid...

With Love from Canada

I received a package from Ms Winking Doll from Canada last week. I was quite reluctant to give...

Do You Guys Know How to Retire?

What do Singaporeans understand about retirement? I have been asking Singaporeans I know about their retirement plans. Most...

How to Estimate Living Expenses for Migration Explained

Dear Nix... Been following your posts for quite some time as I have been planning to move to...

The Need to be Specific

These days when a Singaporean ask or tell me something, I often see the need to check for...

I Have Absolutely No Clue About These Nursing Questions

Hello A Singaporean Son, I have been poring through your blog and that of other Singaporeans who have...

The Guilt Ridden Migration

Hi Nix, been reading your blog for long time. I live in beautiful nz for more than a...

Julian Mou, the Barista of the North

There is something you need to know about the Australian people. Their coffee drinking culture. The point that...

First Name, Last Name, Given Name, Family Name

Hi! I am a Singaporean who chanced upon your migration blog.  I am a student who just graduated...

Meeting Encik G

Pic unremorsefully stolen from owner One odd thing about blogging here was that it leads me to meet...

Understanding Privilege

As a Singaporean son, I've heard of the term, "NS liability" too many times. So hearing a PAP...

46 Months of Perth

Mandurah In 2 months' time, I will be in Perth for 4 years. In 3 months' time I...