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So, let's see. Windows System Administrator. Is this job one of those 'unwanted jobs' that the government claimed that Singaporeans are unwilling to take up - and that we need to bring it foreigners to do it?
No Singaporean wants to work in IBM, a multinational company? Not even 1 of the 3 positions opened, I see.
Yes, Singaporeans are so picky about work that they are now shunning not just construction jobs, and cleaning jobs. Apparently, IT jobs now suck too! Nobody wants to do it.
So we must bring it some foreign talents to do the chores. Oh, not just any foreign talents. They must be from The Philippines. Like the guards outside Emeritus Goh's house, they must be Gurkhas from Nepal, nothing less nothing more. Well, working in IBM as a Windows System Administrator must be real knotty to ask for the geniuses from only one specific nationality.
This is definitely not an isolated case and it will not be the last either.
It is no longer an esoteric doctrine of the Singapore society. This is happening in an increasing number of vocations. Doesn't concern you because you are from the finance sector? Or this doesn't affect the real estate industry? Oh, this doesn't happen in external auditing field?
Wait and see.
Can MOM do something about it? Your answer is as good as mine. Should we leave things as it it is until the situation rots further that it affects your family, friends and children before giving it the proper attention that it requires?
One of the weakest point about Singaporeans is that they tend to be selfish. As long as it doesn't concern them, no one is interested in standing up for their own countrymen who suffers injustice or discrimination - even if it happened in their own backyard! "Mind your own business - don't kaypoh" is the first mantra of Singaporeans. When it happens to others, we remain silent instead of getting up in arms for our own people. When we are affected who complain loud and bitter and wondered why no one is helping.
In this aspect, our nation building has utterly failed.
It's time to change, brothers and sisters. Please spread the word and stop job discrimination in Singapore.
If you are thinking that the MOM is interested in protecting Singaporeans or any employees, then you need to read this bit of information.
ReplyDeleteI was previously in the civil service. I personally met a officer from MOM. He's department is in charge of going all over to world to convince foreigners to come to Sing to work. They are systematically trying to strip Sings from our jobs!
It's a good thing for EDB to go all over the world to attract investors to Sings. Quite another for the MOM to go overseas to source for more competition for Singaporeans! and they have a whole department to undertake the work. Let me also state that MOM is not targeting lowly paid jobs nobody wants, they are targeting professionals overseas to go to Sing and compete with us!
That was the trigger to leave Sing. I'm glad I'm in Oz now!
i think they start the foreigners young. i remember that i read somewhere that there is a department which actually goes around the world(or maybe just china and india) getting the students to come to singapore to study. they even pay the tuition fees and living expenses here for the chosen ones...
Deletenow where's the website.... ???
found it
and an excerpt
they dont need to to have babies...they just go overseas to have many FT to come over can liao...dont need us...we are nothing...to them we are useless
ReplyDeletei post one forget to write name.
ReplyDeleteSo what are me.... complain also like that...only way is.....pls dont vote them!!!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like IBM has the tendency to drag down PAP credibility by posting such discriminative advertisements and tell Singaporeans how screwed we were in our land and PAP is not going to do anything about it. Oh, that's right, PAP is afraid of the GIANT and that makes them Singapore weakling leader.
ReplyDeleteExtreme case of Racism .. irritatingly pathetic..
ReplyDeleteExtreme ??? No it's called reverse case of racism. Which country in the world discriminate against its own people?
DeletePathetic - I agree
told you so many time the ruling party pap and lky has betrayed the singaporeans and yet so many still don't believe, anyway be prepared for the worst to come as the whole process in bringing in more cheaper foreign workers are already in full motion ahead. Goodluck to all you poor singaporeans one by one waiting to be slaughtered by your own traitor papies.....
Deletein the middle east those traitor leaders killing their own citizens, here is also similar only that the singaporeans are facing slow death from lky and his gang of bandits, its just a matter of time.
DeleteMy name is Alvin Lai, and I am from the IBM Singapore Corporate Communications team.
ReplyDeleteI would like to clarify that IBM has no relationship with DigitalNerva and no association with the advertisement in question. We take this matter seriously and will not hesitate to take legal action if necessary. IBM has a long-standing commitment to diversity and equal opportunity and demonstrates that commitment in all our hiring practices.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me at laiwha@sg.ibm.com.
From an insider perspective, it is true that IBM Singapore uses lots of low cost labor from Philippines and India and probably other low cost countries. Colleagues even mention that they feel that they are now in Little India. People and project managers face pressures to fill in support and project roles with resources from IBM India and Philippines. And very often, if headcounts are not approved to be filled, internal and project staff just become "Invisible", simply because they not only do not appear under IBM permanent staff, but also are just "Contractors" - just an expense account and they can just 'appear' and 'disappear' as and when needed.
DeleteDear Alvin
DeleteThanks for your clarifications. But you have not told us what your company has done with DigitalNerva. Someone tried to recruit on your company's behalf. You said your company has nothing to do with DigitalNerva or the ads. Did you write to DigitalNerva to demand that they publish their apology or clarifications in the local newspapers?
I would suggest that the writer post this on Tan Chuan Jin's FB and ask him for his comments and views. Tell us what he thinks of IBM's ads and whether the MOM will write to IBM if he disagrees.
ReplyDeleteThe lack of limitation on employers or the ineffective limitation for recruitment of foreigners for jobs like this is pretty scary.
Doubt that MOM ministers can (or probably will do) anything.
DeleteI have an IBM colleague, who due to a restructuring exercise, was retrenched. The colleague was supposed to get a severance package of more than $40K for the many years of service, she gave the company. On the last day, when she came to the office, she was told by her manager that instead she is fired and nothing will be given to her - just her one month notice, as per MOM rule. When she wanted to leave the office, she was literally locked in by security guards. She was told by the HR folks that she needed to sign the papers and agree with the terms (of her being fired) before she could leave. She was literally 'held prisoner' inside for a day.
After seeking some advice with MOM staff about this incident, the MOM officer says that there is nothing that he (or MOM) can do and for big companies like IBM, there is not much that they can do unless the former employee wants to go to court.
Just to add in another anecdote, an IBM leader once told me a story that IBM 'never' pays severance package. Since technically IBM is constantly hiring, and if one is becoming redundant, one can always find a job, even if it means to become a 'toilet cleaner'. This is a true story and for privacy sake, I won't mention names.
Needless to say that it was a 'fait accompli' on IBM side and there is nothing that IBM (present and former) employees can do about such decision. I also doubt that IBM employees know about such practices, since it's all being kept secret.
Well it is not just about whether the minister will intervene in the particular case. It is more of anecdoctal evidence that should inform the minister to consider changes in the way they issue EPs and S passes.
DeleteThere certainly seem to be no limits for EPs. I know for example of UK companies starting up their offices here with practically half the staff being EP holders doing jobs that locals can perfectly do and they don't even deal with UK clients. They deal with Asian clients and their clients sometime even prefer the local staff due to language and cultural issues. What is lost on the MOM and the PAP government is that these foreign companies try to give as many jobs to their locals when they set up branches here. Even in Shanghai now, the practice is for businesses there to fill the key positions below the CEO or CFO with locals. In Singapore we may even have junior non grads having employment passes and I don't know whether it is because they are Caucasians. Different standards for different races and nationality; that is the trademark of our government. No wonder some nationalities love the PAP government.
Soccer icon like Fandi Ahmad also has trouble finding a job in Sgp (with stiff competition from FTs), seems to me that the situation in Sgp is getting from bad to worst.
ReplyDeleteAm just wondering - does the Philippines embassy and MOM have some deal going on that fill retail stores like Topshop and Muji with Filipino supervisors?
ReplyDeleteCos whenever i go to these places, 99% of the supervisors are not local.
It's not a good feeling cos you know somewhere, a Singaporean has been deprived of a job.
Even if the employment rules change to include Singaporeans, we still face the below situation:
ReplyDelete1. During the interview phase, bias will be applied.
2. Even if hired, discrimination and distancing with the team happens.
3. Work performance gets affected and they will push you out.
Unless proper alignment of hr policies around hiring, company composition of local and foreigners are complete, this issue will not be eradicated.
WTH! that's a ignorant insensible recruiter! He or she is infringing Singapore's MOM policy and his/her license can be revoked for posting such discriminating job posting.
ReplyDeleteBut looks like the screenshot is taken from Linkedin...in that case, does MOM policy still applies? the internet is a free market anyway.
Maybe they want to chase all singaporeans away.... They want ft only. Go to sch also must fight sits with non local, go work also have to fight with non local.... What are we???
ReplyDeleteah pooh
Fuk off from OZ you singlish speaking motherfukers. Fuk the hell off.
ReplyDeleteyou can't spell f.u.c.k? fuck off.
DeleteHi, I’m Alvin Lai from the IBM Singapore Corporate Communications team.
ReplyDeleteSince our initial posting, our legal team has contacted DigitalNerva and the relevant authorities regarding this unauthorised advertisement.
As of the evening of 2nd February, we noted that DigitalNerva has taken down its profile and all job listings on LinkedIn. It has also removed its company website.
We take this matter very seriously. IBM has a long-standing commitment to diversity and equal opportunity and demonstrates that commitment in all our hiring practices.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me at laiwha@sg.ibm.com.
thank you for the prompt action from your team.
DeleteIf IBM didnt authorise this DigiN to put up advert then why the kapo to do such things!!!???