8 Months of Perth

King's Park

Today we would have spent 8 months in Perth since we landed. We would probably almost exhaust the SGD$10,000 we brought along with us by now if we failed to secure any form of income since day 1. That was my estimation, I didn't really balance the books. Mind you, that didn't meant it wasn't accurate. An experienced cook pinches and dashes ingredients without measuring but often conjure delicious food. Not implying I am that good with money but I do have a sensitive touch to foresee our financial armageddon. 

Fortunately I have a job and that provides an nervy single source of income for our whole family. That'll do for now. We cannot expect too many things too quick. After all we didn't have a strong financial foundation before we came. Unlike many of the blog readers who have a backing in the form of a partial or fully paid property in Singapore or substantial investments somewhere. I understand the earlier we have our own property in Perth, the earlier we rid ourselves for rental liabilities but the time is not ripe. That might be the reason why there are readers here. We came at a time of our lives, under the circumstances that not many had done so or would like to try. We do not encourage anyone to attempt what we did and just treat our story as a vicarious warning light.

If anyone asks me what will happen if you move to a certain location, bring a certain amount of money or try to find a a certain job here, I don't have an answer for it. To be honest, I didn't have an answer for myself when I was at the same stage as you were. I don't even have an answer what is going to happen to me in the next 3 months. If I were to go back in time to read the blog, I'll be astonished how things turned out. It certainly wasn't what I had imagined to be. Man proposes, heaven disposes, you'll never know what is coming your way despite how meticulous you try to be. If uncertainly is stopping you from stepping out, you should be stopped. That's coming from me, what I found out 8 months on. If you want to do this thing, you got to eat uncertainty as breakfast. However if you are willing to and embrace uncertainty, you may gain a lot of new perspectives throughout this bumpy ride of self-discovery.

I might have lived half of my lifespan by now. Life is quite short, if you think about it. Life may be unfair but every man is equal in birth and death. There is nothing you can really take with you in death regardless how you live. So how one lives is quite inconsequential and we could re-look abiding to societal norms stoutly as a way of life. Who has the right to define these rules anyway? In any case, living up to someone else's expectations would only take that far. Then you bite the dust just like anyone else, kneeling in the face of death. In fairy tales, people live happily ever after. In reality, people live happily... and die after.

There is not much left in the moody dark Autumn as Winter lifts her icy finger and beckons. Amidst the bitter chill of the merciless Winter, lies the brittle soul, weak against shattering from a innocent accidental knock. We need to brace up and forge on.

Month 1



  1. Nope, not in fairy tales. It's true, there is a place called heaven where we can lve happily ever after :) However, you must know THE WAY to get there... Which is meant for everyone, really. And majority much prefers the other place, also begins with "H" by rejecting THE WAY.

    1. Oh come on. Hougang is not that bad

    2. LOL.. you are cheeky, mate!

    3. Go to Heaven for the climate,...Go to Hell for the company

  2. If you can achieve so much in 8 months just think what 8 years will show. You are a true achiever and show the courage and resourcefulness that has defined has defined our Australian spirit. Well done. AA

  3. I love these words of yours above, re-quoted here.
    Certainly something I can carry with me in life:

    "Life is quite short, if you think about it. Life may be unfair but every man is equal in birth and death. There is nothing you can really take with you in death regardless how you live. … In fairy tales, people live happily ever after. In reality, people live happily… and die after."

    — asingaporeanson, May 2012
