Milestone: Landing a Permanent Job

With that, I reckon I secured my full time job. It took me 225 days, which is 7 months plus. That ensured Micky's terrible record of taking 8 months to land his first full time perm job still stands. Ha! 

Patrick commented that my job-hunting effort wasn't little, it was non-existent. Maybe he was right. I didn't get this job interview by merit. It was a lead from Alvin. One thing led to another and finally after quite a long while, I secured a job.

I verbally told Steve about my intention to leave today. It was the first time I felt bad about resigning from work. Normally I would feel elated after handing in the envelope, in-your-fucking-face style. Not this time. Despite what a tough job this one is, I felt genuinely sad about the idea of leaving. 

This job meant a lot to me. Other than providing me the money to support my family and thus, ensured our survival in Perth, it was also symbolic in the sense it was nothing that I thought I could even do before I decided to take on this job. It was a job that I would not even think about taking up should circumstances be different. It represented a lot about my resolve to make this work and how much I had changed to be a little more responsible for my family and myself at long last. The job strengthen and hurt my physical self at the same time and steeled up my mental state to a new level.

I remembered how desperate I was during my first week of work when I couldn't even hold a small grinder for a few operating minutes. I could not forget how I struggled to even lift a 9-inch grinder, let alone operate one which now I manipulate with ease. The company and my colleagues had been extremely patient and tolerant towards my incompetence. I will be eternally grateful to them.

Micky said another chapter of my Australian life begins from here. He was probably right.



  1. Congratulation! It a big milestone for anybody settling in a new country to secure a job.
    I am happy for you.

  2. That's great news! All these milestones! Your Jen must be very proud of her husband,lovely house, great furniture and a new job, well done.

  3. Congratulations! It's rejoicing. CK is throwing in the towel today.

  4. Good for last u can totally settle down

    ah pooh

  5. Simon @ Sydney1 May 2012 at 19:07

    Congratulations! May the force be with you.

  6. Cheers! To better days!!! Congrats!!! ;) M

  7. Hearty congrats, Nix!
    These 7 months plus must have every day fully experienced for you, more than enough memories for a lifetime!

    On to the next leg of journey…

    I believe Steve would understand, and I am proud of him too, he should be proud of himself of extending Australian hospitality to a newcomer to the great land.

    Myself being a centre tutor, I often find myself putting too much heart into the students I teach, knowing full well they can leave any time, the next lesson, week or month.
    The time with them is far shorter than a form teacher with her form class!
    We can be sad that the memorable ones have left us, but we wish them all the best, in the rest of their journey in life.

  8. Really happy for you, bro!
    On to more good things... the adventure continues!

  9. congratulations!!! good news !

  10. Rub it in somemore!!!


  11. Congrats! Have fun at the new workplace! - Raptor

  12. Do you think for a new Aust PR, can apply jobs in S'pore and go to Aust for job interview if shortlisted or have to be physically in Aust to apply for jobs?

    1. I am in your shoes now. My very short experience shows that it is not easy to be shortlisted when you do not have an Aussie residential address and contact number, and when there are MANY people applying for the same job, and already in Oz to attend interviews. I have received a few rejections so far, from those that bothered to reply.

      IMHO, it is best to be there, boots on the ground, and look for jobs and go for interviews. But that is not to say you should not be prepared in searching for jobs, and preparing your CV and practice for interviews. All this would help when you finally get there and try to get interviews.

      Anyway, the biggest problem you will face is that you, (like me), do not have Aussie work experience, so it is hard for employers to judge whether you are suitable.

    2. Thanks for your reply, at least I know I am not alone.
      Not every skilled migrant is born to have local Aust work exp, they must start from somewhere.
      I am not a fresh grad, have many years of relevant work exp in S'pore to get my Aust PR as a skilled migrant but ironically, no local Aust work exp to get a skilled job in Aust, then something is wrong with their skilled migrant selection criteria or they just want our PR visa fees or most Aust companies are lazy to train and give skilled migrants a chance to learn?
      I understand that though I am in senior position in S'pore, I have to apply for junior position in Aust so as to gain local Aust work exp.
      Hopefully they will give this senior in S'pore a chance to work as a junior in Aust.
      Most S'pore companies wil just grab this kind of lobang as most of them just want to have cheap and good employees or they have the "worth it" mentality.

  13. Congrets!

    I admire what you have gone through and the sharing of your experiences. I trust there would be many out there whose life will change for the better with you as a role model.

    All the best for the next chapter.


  14. Congrats! Another milestone in your journey!
