Getting Employed on a 457 Visa

It is difficult, no doubt. Truth is, no one is going to hand you the plate in life. It doesn't matter where you are or what you plan to achieve. If your goal is worth it, it is never going to be easy to attain. Especially so, if you are vying for the same goal against thousands of others for limited opportunities. Some of these points may be common sense but it is worth repeating because it doesn't seem to be obvious enough. It is applicable to people who asked me how to find a casual job when they first arrive. If you think you are having a hard time, just imagine those who do not even have a Permanent Resident visa and need to be employer sponsored to work and stay in Australia.

Still, thousands get sponsored into jobs in Australia every year. It isn't impossible. The first thing is to identity the sponsorship job market. Unlike job hunters with PRs who can just take up any jobs out there for an income, you do not have the luxury. So save yourself the time and focus on the sponsorship job market. For example, if you are looking for to be sponsored and eventually nominated as a Restaurant Manager, you have to skip Mac Donald's as they are not eligible as working visa sponsorship.

Second, you have to be physically in Australia. With technological advancement, one can easily do video interviews these days. However, many employers still prefer to meet you in person before taking the leap. Remember, much as you are worried of a dud employer, they are as worried about employing one as well. If you are doing this overseas, your chances of getting a call is minimal, let alone being offered a job. Although I know a few people who secured a job while being overseas, I don't think the odds are good at all. Most who managed to find an employer sponsor are on student or bridging visas.

Lastly, looking attractive to employers. First impression lasts. We'll have to look into how to make the CV look so good it is impossible not to have a second look. There are no two ways about it, since we know employers have 100s of applications on the desk often. If you do get a chance to meet the employer, it may be easier for people in trades. For example, as told by Stephen from his own experience, the employer will be able to know which level of bricklayer you are from a single swipe of mud with your trowel and how much he is willing to pay you. If you are a professional, proving your worth will be more traditional, unfortunately, by selling yourself in an interview.

Knowing what needs to be done is not enough. Most tryers fall short because they lack the correct attitude. Trying, see-how, wait-and-see attitudes will see them giving up at the first hurdle, or buying into what the negative things others will say. Remember, all the detractors can say is, "It's very difficult." Even these dream crushers do not dare to claim it is an impossible task. Because it isn't. If one takes on the quest completely focused with a do-or-die mindset, an amazing result is possible.

Resilience is of foremost importance. It doesn't do much good to come here all fired up with the correct attitude but forgetting to take along the resilience to last. Each obstacle is a threat to douse the fire. With the resilience to keep firing it up, the flames of hope will be gone in no time.

The willingness to do what it takes is a crucial attribute that separates the ones who succeed and fail. Consider this, if you are an employer eligible to sponsor someone as an employee, what will you look for in the person to fortify your decision to sponsor him or her? Remember, employers have to take the risks too. Being a fantastic employee will help a lot in convincing you are a low-risk gamble worth taking.

Resilience. Willing to do what it takes. Determination to succeed. Able to take setbacks. Never give up

Stay at home if you cannot take these along with you.



  1. "Willing to do what it takes." - I have seen someone not willing to do what it takes to stay in Australia because life was too good to them here in Australia so that they had forgotten all the reasons why they wanted to leave Singapore and so they ended up back in Singapore because they didn't do what it took to stay here.

    1. plenty. there are some who will stay, some who will return.
