Final Chapter

Albany Today is the 16th month since I came to Perth. My baby daughter, Albany will be turning...

Herbal Soup for the Singaporean Migrant Soul

This isn't a touching sob story to motivate you. This is not going to leave a warm fuzzy...

Hot Dog

A smart brown dog with a lean, mean body limped into the workshop the other day. It was...

Why Singaporeans Queue

Hi There, I'm S whom previously had commented on your posts before.  I recently just resumed reading your...

NS Exit Permit

Anonymous7 January 2013 14:13 Hi.. we are expecting to get our 175 soon. I have a concern about...

Dirty Fellows

One day, I will get dirty with the boys. I need to know a few cranky ones who...

The End is Nigh

Each time I decided to drop the pen, someone came along and told me I had been doing...

PAP to Breeze the By-Election

So shove it up his arse, fellows The newcomer described himself as a "son of Punggol" - having...

Hottest Week in 80 years

Weather for this week If you want to experience hot rainy days and cool sunny days, 42 and...

Keeping Real Music Alive

I'm no expert in music. I know nuts about it and little about even the bands I appreciated....

Richest Country in The World

Puat, the QA/QC director who came 1-2 months ago told me that Malaysia is the richest country per...

A Reminder to Self

I've changed the settings allowing anyone to comment after being told they had something to tell/warn/ask the Stressed...

Summer Send Off

Dear friends, so long. Wasurenai Yan Chun requested for a blog post. It wasn't often I get a...

Fuck You Summer

So, do we require anymore confirmation that Summer is a fucking troll? No. Yes, when weekend is finally here,  we...

A Weekend At Thus'

Open for orders, if you need a perfect sushi platter for your party Albany, enjoying grandmotherly love It...

From a Mum to Another

Received the message via facebook. Tried posting as comment but can't cos it exceeded 1500 words. M can...