Last Few Boats

Subject: Last few boats

Dear Nix,

I want to thank you again for writing. It really feels nice reading your views and pointers. I've gained a lot of knowledge from it and also confidence to do my visa application myself. I really hope that you can give me some of your view before we apply.

Just a summary of us, I'm 32, generalist exec w degree but has no job on SOL, sat for my ielts, score 8.5,8,8 and 6.5. (Screwed up in writing). We have two kids, 6 and 4.

I would like my husband, 36 to apply as the main appplicant for visa 189, SOL Electrical Engineering Technician. He has 7+ years of experience(since Oct 98) in a Power Generation Co (Tuas Power) and now he's a technician with Singapore Power. The only problem is he only has a Higher Nitec certificate in Electrical Engineering. He is currently doing his pt diploma in Power Engineering with Singapore Poly, target completion date is Oct 16.

Do you know if Higher Nitec is considered as a trade certificate with TRA? Our plan is for his turn to sit for ielts asap (I was a benchmark n unfortunately I got 6.5 in writing) and he must try until he can score min 7 then we should be able to score 60 and apply for the skills assessment first without waiting for him to complete his diploma. He can continue his diploma concurrently. We are rushing because his age is a factor which means we only have the last few boats to catch... :(

My second question is do you know if we can conduct a preliminary health assessment for migration before we submit the application. During the job health check up, the doctor thought that my husband has an enlarged heart... but he got the job anyway. Secondly, my daughter is born with vsd (hole in heart) but coping well and has stopped medication since 2 years ago. However, last month she was diagnosed with kidney stones. The doctor figured out that its was from the sediments of the medication that she used to take for the heart. She is coping well currently. No medication required at the moment but only monthly check ups to monitor the size of the remaining stone in her left kidney.

We really want to migrate so that we can live better. Concurrently, we have also been sending resumes to NZ hoping to land a temporary visa job and then move to OZ from there.
Sorry for the lengthy email.
Thanks Nix for reading.


Hi L,

Why did you take an IELTS if neither your qualifications and occupation is not on the SOL? Even if you have scored all 8 and get 20 points for English and 30 points for your age, you will still be short of 10 points.

Your concern about age is unfounded because immigration is awarding 25 points for age 33-39. So you have time to wait for your husband to obtain his graduation in Oct 2016. He will only be 37 by then. With his EE Diploma, you are probably looking to get 10 points from it. I expect a Diploma awarded by one of our "first world" Polytechnics should be recognised by Australia but please do your homework by checking with TRA. Your husband should have 8 years of working experience as by 2016 (after he grad from poly), so you should be targeting 15 points on skilled employment and not the current 10 points he may be eligible for. Please take extra care to read up on the occupation you are nominating him for and how they define it. You do not want to nominate the wrong vocation and make his working experience look like a poor fit. That is one of the main reasons why people fail at their application. Know the difference between Electrical Engineering Technician, Electrician (General), Electrician (Special Class), Electrical Linesworker and Electrical Engineer and nominate the closest one. Compare the jobscope, not the job title.

If it goes well, he should be looking like this

Age: 25 points
English: 10 points (he can afford to screw things up a bit)
Qualifications: 10 points
Work experience: 15 points
Total: 60 points

He beats many degree holders such as yourself. Give him a pat on the back.

Answering your 2nd question. No you cannot do your medical assessment in advance. You will only be asked to do it when a case officer picks up your case. If you do it earlier, chances are you will be asked to do it again or your test results will expire even before your case is taken up. 

If your husband is fit for employment, he is likely to be fit for emigration. Australia is screening out diseased and druggies, not looking for the next Usain Bolt. You will be undergoing a general health check which involves taking blood pressure, a simple check on eyes or ears but likely to be checking if you have a sound mind instead. A urine test and a standard chest x-ray. If Australia rejects your husband based on an enlarged heart, ask him to show them his NS certificate. If he is fit enough to serve NS, he is fit enough to migrate! Don't worry about your daughter. Don't give yourself too much pressure about this. If it doesn't work out, there is always glorious Singapore to stay in and a caring government who will be with you and do things for you and for Singapore.

On the side note, if you manage to land yourself in NZ, don't bother coming to OZ. Why the trouble? It's such a nice place to raise your children.



  1. Replies
    1. No it isn't. More Singaporeans should move there.

    2. If they can put up with ang mos spitting on them and screaming at them to go back to China, then perhaps, but the very first earthquake they experience and you can bet your white undies they'll be on the first plane back to Singapore where it's safe - until the underground tunnels they are digging gives way and the nuclear plant goes nuclear.

    3. I hear that at night the sheep turn into zombies and seek out the blood of Asian migrants too. Stay in Singapore in your HDB bomb shelters and you will be safe.

    4. Not just the blood, the zombie sheep seek out the anal hole too to give it a good ramming. Asian arse, tight as!

  2. Nix she wants to find out if she can get a health check so that she can find put if they will pick up the things enough to be a problem for assessment for suitability for migration. If it will be then she either try to get them sorted or not waste money applying

  3. If I am not mistaken, the work experience count after you obtain the highest qualification.
    Eg. Diploma obtain year 2014. You submit year 2015, the CO will count as 1 year of working experience.

  4. you might wanna have a look here:

  5. What is up with you guys? Here is a mommy trying her best & her kid has a condition.
    CK, if NZ is so bad, why dun u get ur ass back here in Sinkieland? Then you can tok about the racist rants, earthquakes & nukes. Put your $ where your mouth is.

  6. I wonder why Singaporeans want to migrate here. Say Perth. As long as you can talk smoothly, qualifications are no big deal. I work with a lot of dumb govt people who are forever working towards uni degree and earning in excess of $100k. They love talkfest and hardly deliver the goods.
    When they can't solve ICT problems, they recruit a Singaporean temporary to solve and cover their asses.
    Singaporeans are PAP trained obedient worker bees, so we get things done. Then, bye bye. A lot of Singaporeans are not good at communicating and influencing people. Our accent sound funny. Even job interviewers try to mimick the accent. Sorry, you did not get the job because you can't fit in. We are spoilt in Singapore because we have local advantage and Lee Kuan Yew put us on easy street. Australia is a real country with its profound problems the size of the land.
    Australia is heading into recession and jobs are few, esp in Perth. Try starting a business. A lot of things Singaporeans feel important are not that important here.
