All good things come to an end. As far as I'm being concerned, this year's Autumn is as...
Over the years, I've received so many emails from strangers who gave me ego lifts by telling me...
Dear Sir/ Well wisher, I want to migrate in Australia from Bangladesh. But I couldn’t understand in which...
Like our PM, asingaporeanson is proud to continue carrying out his advising job blindly Dear Nix, it's me...
Dear Nix, My name is Louise and I have been reading random posts off your blog. It is...
A lucky Singaporean chap had three employment options in Perth and asked me which suburb (where the employers...
It was the first time I attended a church wedding and I actually liked it. Well, at least...
I never enjoy attending weddings. In all honesty, I did not even enjoy attending own and wished it...
I am Sam and I am migrating with my Aussie fiance (getting married in Jul) to Sydney in...
After lying in bed through Monday and Tuesday, I got back to work reluctantly on Wednesday. My throat...
I wanted to write daily since the previous hiatus. The spirit was willing but the flesh was weak....
I have to say I have an affinity with Christianity. You see, my maternal grandmother is a staunch...
Hi Nix, How are you doing? I am an avid reader of your blog and enjoy reading your stories especially the...
Encik G forgot to mention a crucial detail. Why should anyone migrate to Darwin? Bananas. Bananas! GUEST BLOGGER...
Past Rants
- The End of Autumn 2015
- Where Foolishness Becomes Bravery
- If You Ask Me to Fill Your Migration Forms
- Job Advice From an Unqualified Job Advisor
- Lost Time
- NSW Contact for Disability Care and Country Living...
- The Singaporean Bad Suburbs
- A Great Wedding
- Wedding and Marriage
- Spouse Migrant's Question
- Wedding Bells are Ringing
- Haze in Perth
- First World Country, Third World Morality
- Singaporean Mum, C
- Why You Should Consider Darwin as Your Choice of M...
- If You Look
- Visitor from Sydney
- The Taiwanese Backpacker
- Never Dieded