Chickens! And a Ponder.

Jen went for her first "Learn to be a mother" course today. Grace came to our rescue once again by offering to help driving Jen to and fro. We did give her little home-cooked meal treats now and then including today but we really should give her one big one soon. Perhaps before she goes back to Singapore in mid December for her holidays.

I am having a tough week. The guys decided to speed things up a little to get the stuff out by Christmas by working another additional hour per day. So our shift extended to 4am and we worked 12 hours a day so far this week. Normally we knock off 'earlier' on Thursday because we start work earlier on Fridays. I certainly hope we do tonight. I am absolutely, definitely, undoubtedly knackered.

When I woke and was ordered by Jenny to take lunch, she told me chickens were running wild in the garden. I thought she had gone nuts or had just told a joke that I didn't figure out in my half slumber state. I stepped out to the garden and found Eugene's son Erwin running around happily. 

The moment little Erwin saw me he exclaimed, "Shu Shu!" and led me proudly to 'his chickens'. Some friends of Eugene's mother-in-law popped by early and chucked her 3 full grown hens. Apparently these ladies can lay eggs so we shall see if they do after they get over their hysteria of getting chased around by a small boy.

I had small talks with Auntie Zhang (Eugene's MIL) and learnt that she had been living off rental income in China. She owned 2-3 properties in Fuzhou and another rural property somewhere out there. The rental income was enough for her to live and play frugally in China.

We talked about rearing chickens. She told me how the pattern how hens lay eggs, hatch them and guide the chicks to food everyday. By separating them, the hen will lay eggs again. Else she would be resuming her freshman orientation leader role every day.

The story reminded me of this.

We wouldn't like to admit this. Like chickens, commoners like you and me are controlled by humans in power to do their bidding. They determine how many hours we work, how and when we give birth how many kids we produce, how unproductive types are outcasted and punished and how performing types are rewarded within their useful shelf life.

Humans have more choices than chickens. No doubt realistically we cannot escape living under a system and societal norms, we can at least choose which system aligns to our personal values. It is not the same everywhere. It is not about comparing which side has the greener pasture. People who do that often return to their original grazing land complaining of everything about the new place except their themselves. They did it wrong and never realised it right till the end.

The key is doing it right is to identity what grass is right. If you realise Axonopus Compressus is the only one for you, stay put.



  1. Hmm, wait a minute, we are not really talking about chickens right? *blur look*

    and what is this that you said about ending this blog? It is your blog and you have all the the rights to talk about your life. Your blog has certainly brought some like-minded Singaporeans together.

    Don't worry, christmas is near... You will be well rested soon.

    (and Alvin, if you are reading this, I had noted all the makan places you mentioned and will try them out. One By One! Great for a Perth newbie like me)

  2. @D: hi D. This blog is not about my life. I'm a nobody and no one is interested. When the blog serve its purposes, it should be ended. I don't mean close it down. Just stop writing that's all.

    I've grown to like writing. I'll start another blog someday perhaps. On another story. What do you think?

  3. Axonopus Compressus is for ME!! Coz I'm more in the year of Ox. LOL!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm surprised that you know the scientic name.. U went to google it? or u secretly learn from a horticulturist?

  4. @Ah Qin: Cows eat Themeda triandra here :)
    I'm not sure if I told u I worked in NParks before..

    1. Stumbled on your blog. :)
      There was a comment I read sometime back about the Singaporean 'grass' which I thought was most apt. The grass is not always greener on the other side...but there sure is a lot more of it!;)
      BTW, if you want your chickens to lay more in the winter, you'll also need to give them more light. They lay more with about 12 hrs of light!
