Yet Another Crap Tuesday

hate Tuesdays and it's true. Today was just another one. As shit as ever.

Monday was bad as usual for everyone, probably me included. I did yet another legendary 12 hour shift and slept as early as I could. I had enough sleep but the moment I woke on Tuesday I knew it was not going to be my day. I was not even in a mood to write anything, which was rare.

Nothing went well. My appetite was mediocre. I didn't felt like going to work. My neck felt stiffer than usual and every muscle in my back hurt. My fingers had yet to recover from its strange condition. I felt grouchy on the way to work.

During work, nothing went my way either. I was not 100% at work. Every of my hoisting was horrible and awkward, leaving witnesses gaping. One of the giant plates fell midway when I was lifting it with a magnet. Work was grueling and I found that I was slow compared to my peers despite putting in my best. A quick wonder when I was getting sacked came and went.

During my breaks, no one wanted to talk to me on watsapp. I ate my sandwich alone in my car because I was sick of the kimchi smell in the common room. Then the wife sent a msg via watsapp saying a Wolf Spider of the size of a palm got into our room. If you do not know what a Wolf Spider is, it's better not to. Eugene flushed it down the toilet in the end.

At the second break, I asked Steve the supervisor how does Wolf Spiders get into houses where flies could hardly even get in. He laughed and said he had absolutely no idea. I concluded that these buggers has the ability to cast some kind of etherealisation spell or teleport.

I literally ground my way to 4am and was ready to get home to see off crap Tuesday. When I turned my ignition, Barry White reversed and crashed into the gate behind me and realised I stopped the car in reverse gear. I cursed and drove home. On the way, I imagined how my boot looked like now. I'm a negative (and I still haven't finished the post about why) person so naturally that image didn't look too good.

When I reached home, I could not see the extent of the damage in dark dawn with my mobile light. It certainly looked much better than I thought. The boot was intact with no damage at all. The bumper had almost negligible scratches but one side of the bumper was bent slightly. I reckon I could get it back looking good with some mallet work without hassle.

Too tired to think about it now. I will inspect Barry White again when I wake. It could be me hallucinating. Barry White could be crushed totally at the back now in reality. After all it's bloody Tuesday.

Tuesdays hate me. The feeling is mutual.



  1. ha! ppl always say monday blues..

    but tuesdays are the most torturing one i feel..
    time pass slower den monday!


  2. @julia - high five for being same weirdo ;)

  3. U didn't check the gate?

  4. haha cause tues u see...still got wed thu fri than reach wkend

  5. @Anonymous: The gate still stands.

    @Ah Pooh: I was very tired, that's why. It has been a really taxing week.

  6. me also very tired....2day mrt delay 1 hr...dun know wat happen

  7. @Ah Pooh: I read about it. Lately the trains seem not working too well. Looks like wanna increase fares to 'improve service' soon
