Back to Perth

Does anyone still reads this blog? Well, you cannot read something that doesn't exist. So, no new posts, no more readers. Simple as. Last night I was conversing with a friend regarding this. She felt it was time for me to write some stuff again.

It wasn't easy. The 2 weeks lay off in Singapore sapped energy off. There wasn't any much left in my final 2 days in Singapore. By the time I reached Perth, I was totally spent. I slept a lot but somehow couldn't recover in time for my first day of work yesterday. My lower back was hurting me so much that I couldn't stand without pain.

Moreover, there wasn't anything else I wanted to say about migration. I reckon a year's worth of data as well as records of my daily feelings was about as good as possible. What else can I share? You don't want to know my next crabbing trip in summer with Stephen. Lemon trees had been climbed as well. Notwithstanding the gentle nudge to continue writing, the will isn't quite here yet. The friend insisted I have what it takes to churn up readable content.

Ironically I found myself advising Mr Gintai not to stop blogging last night.

It felt a bit better today, the 3rd day of my return though something isn't still quite right. My mind and physical state just don't feel aligned with where I left off. There was so many profound intricacies that I couldn't find words to describe regarding my quick return to Singapore and back. I felt annoyed and amused at the same time. Maybe in time, I would be able to lay the pieces down clearly and express them systematically. It would be a pity if I couldn't do so.



  1. write lenthy ones... your entries accompanied me on my mrt rides.. - JY

  2. Take a break and write as and when you feel like again. :)

  3. Would be interesting to know more about how you felt during your time back in Singapore? Was there any sense of displacement? Has Singapore changed in the short time that you've been away? Did your friends and family try to convince you to return to Singapore permanently, or did they express a desire to join you in Perth?

    I met an Australian lady who migrated from Egypt years ago. I asked her if she felt like a stranger in both Egypt and in Australia, and if not, how long it took for her to feel like an Australian. She said that she has never been back to visit Egypt because people have told her how much it has changed, and she wanted to remember Egypt the way it was. And also, she said it too her a number of years before Australia felt like it was truly home and she felt Australian. Yet, when speaking about how Australians raised their children, she referred to them as "these Australian families" and not "we".

    So yes, there is plenty more that we, your readers, would like to know. Please keep writing :-)

    Your Fellow Singaporean in Australia

  4. I missed you when you were gone. I hope you had an enjoyable visit. I imagine it will take time to settle into real life again instead of being in holiday mode:)

  5. Welcome back. We are eagarly waiting for your new posts! Just relax first.

  6. Always be true to yourself, especially when it comes to blogging.
    But you don't need me to tell you that. :-)

    That is why while I was sort of secretly hoping you'd suddenly feel a strong urge to meet up with strangers like me, when you were back, I eventually concluded it needs to be from yourself.
    As my wife pointed out, you likely had so much to do and catch up on, starting with your close ones whom you cared for the most.

    So in similar spirit, now that you're back over there, you're at the most treasured when you authentically, honestly feel like expressing something, and that's what I've come to appreciate, regardless of whether I like a particular post or not.
    And we blog not to please others, but so that they may be pleased that we're being ourselves.

    Have continuing fun!
