A Weekend At Thus'

Open for orders, if you need a perfect sushi platter for your party
Albany, enjoying grandmotherly love

It was only our second meeting in Perth. Thusara had to drive from his temporary refuge to pick me up at my place. I had my car accident not long before. Thus gamely gave me a ride all the way up to view a used Mazda 121, which I didn't buy eventually. 

Despite anticipating the rude haressment of Winter's icy fingers, I was stubbornly clad in my usual Perth uniform, barely enough to keep me comfortably incubated. While waiting for the car owner to arrive under the steely cold night, Thusara shivered in his full warmers. We joked about how he would be prancing around in shorts and slippers next Winter when he would be well weather conditioned. Looking back, I saw myself in Thusara's uncertainty of the new environment, like the way I saw myself in Edmund, M and even Joe. Everything felt so different when we first landed and how our perspectives changed over time.

Though Thusara lost 10 kg due to his hectic work schedule, he looked calm, relaxed and visibly happier. Why not? I would be. I didn't think any of us would be happier being alone, jobless, searching for the ideal suburb to live in, separated from family long periods and 10kg heavier. No doubt, Thusara hadn't found his perfect job but that wasn't going to be over until the fat bitch sings. He proved me wrong by being flexible by dumping all the Singaporean expectations extremely quickly. With him, I found a rare confidante appreciating the merits of buying a very used car - at least in the earlier days. 

Before long, the man did what a man should, had all his deliverables ticked and he was able to bring his family over. Both times we met up, it seemed to me he had a family running on perfect harmony. With his free BBQ pit that he found in the streets, in mighty fine condition, we spent one of the last day of 2012 in Thusara's back yard, searing meat, home-made sushi and downing it with sangria. Speaking about sushi, Thusara's daughter, a fine beautiful lady 17 years of age or so, was the delicate hands behind the expertly crafted sushi rolls. She also had a good entrepreneurial spirit within her and already took orders for supplying good party sushi. Besides that, she took all but 2 days to find her first job upon landing in Perth, putting all of us to shame. We should hang around more often at Thus', so that we could all be motivated by the upbeat aura of the unstoppable youth.

It was a great night with a plenty of cross interaction among those who attended. Even Ian, Thusara's elderly neighbour from Scotland? Ireland? was not spared as Steph and Edmund took turns to grill him with retirement questions. It was probably Yan Chun's last social event in Perth, as she prepared to leave us for home. I was sure it was a simple yet memorable night for her. It was actually the first time I saw my friends here trying to get drunk and got annoyed when the beer ran out. That could only happen when we were getting more comfortable with one another. That wasn't easy to build up, not easy at all.

Thank you to each soul who took care and spent time to take care of Jen, Albany and I in the last eventful year. May you all have a great year of unprecedented joy. Happy New Year.


1 comment:

  1. It really sounds like you have settled into a happy life of family and friends in Australia, a far cry from those unsettled scary days when you first got here. I wish you continued happiness and joy in your all that you have and do :)
