
I have great ambitions for Sunday. After working hard for 1 week, all I really wanted is to go for a relaxing sightseeing with Jenny.  We have not done anything like that since we arrived, come to think of it.

I wanted to go Canningvale Market. I heard it is a huge vibrant market with items on crazy low prices. I love the sound of it. We need to make a trip to Subiaco market to top up the fruit and vegetable supplies. I probably need to get a bit more ginger. Tonight we are making Black Vinegar Pig Trotters, substituting trotters with leaner meat. I wanted to visit King's Park to view flowers of Spring.

1330 hrs - I woke up, still feeling very tired. I rarely felt this tired. I couldn't move my body and my palms without feeling sore. Did I miss the fun? I guessed so. In the end, I went nowhere.

Lunch was not prepared. I chided Jen. She is still marginally underweight according to the maternity baby weight gain tables and she is not performing her role well enough in my absence. If there is anything wrong with the baby, I have to be blamed for making this move to Australia. There is no one (mothers) around to put the necessary pressure on an inexperienced mother who don't really like reading up. I have been teaching her what to do and what to take note as much as I can. Before I started working, I could do the fussing role. Now, I have my limits to ensure Jens sleep early, eats on time, adequately and nutritiously. I need her to step up a bit from now until her mother comes over to Perth to help out. So far she is learning fast and she actually cooks quite well for a beginner.

Meanwhile, my mobile pre-paid card was recharged last night. My bank account had been recharged this week, still awfully low in power but at least it should be heading north for a change. I tried recharging and resting myself but something's not right. Despite sleeping adequate hours (i think) I'm still so tired now. I need to sleep very early tonight. It's a special and important Monday coming and I'll have to wake early as compared to normal working days.

I have no religion and I don't know who to pray to but I hope everything will be fine.



  1. Mum was underweight when she was having my brother. Like i menion last time, focus on high iron veg, take different colors of capsicums and meat. if not appeitite skip rice althogether. Have more soup (soya bean with chicken & dang gui & goji) have 2 glasses of milk everyday. That was wad mum gyne told her, and i remb. cos doctor got me to remind my mother i was only 7++ that time lol

  2. @Anonymous we have been eating enough nutritious items, that's why it's perplexing. Now I am trying to ensure she eats at the correct time, so that her body can absorb the nutrients better instead of having too little and too much at wrong timings.

    Meanwhile, I'll just make sure she eats the proper things. I've banned her potato chips, craving or not.

  3. lol tat anonymous was me seian.
    anyway lil (5kg)underweight is ok. as long as she is eating right. have lotsa small meals. no junk, coke oso very lil. my brother only craving when he was in mum;s tummy was milk, after he was born till now, he is still hving strong cravings for for me roast duck !!!!


  4. @ Seian, it's about 500g-1kg off the minimum weight at this stage. it's not considered a little underweight. so we gonna take note

  5. take gd care of yrself and jenny too...aku say u come back he buy many gd food give u eat...:p

  6. @ mrs tan, help me say thank you to aku.

  7. why not call me ah pooh leh...:p work hard also must relax hard ok..heeheeheee....ask jenny come online when free.

  8. @Ah Pooh: ok i will tell her. she is usually free in the afternoon.

  9. chat with her afew times...haha
