Yet Another Cut

Yet another cut, this time on the left index

I used to be 'injury prone' (as termed by friends) from being a kid to a teenager. Then I went through years of adult hood without much injuries, small or big. (Thankfully). What's happening to me now? Have I became a kid again since I moved to Perth?

Since moving here, I seemed to regain that knack of getting small petty cuts and stuff again. It reminded me of my childhood. My teacher would gave me that look again on that new bandage. Thinking back, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Right now, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

That's probably one month later since I gotten this. Yay. Happy One Month Anniversary. Sigh.

Small cuts are so irritating

Meanwhile as my injuries count grow, something else is growing well in my landlady's garden. The soil is still infertile at the moment and some plants I tried growing didn't quite grow at all but these onions seem to be doing fantastic.


  1. what else do u grow beside onions? :p when jenny give birth?


  2. @ pooh: I grow rosemary, garlic and aloe vera. The aloe is not growing that well, the rest looks well and good. will try lemon balm, chilli and others soon

  3. bro grow durian for me leh? :P

  4. @aku, here cannot grow durian lah. grapes maybe?

  5. how nice to have a garden and grow ur own little herbs n spices n whatnots to be self-sufficient...


  6. @Julia, you can do it in SG too. Just that the garden is smaller and in pots. It is harder to be self sufficient that way but at least it's a good start :)

  7. mango? cabbage?

  8. @ pooh: both grow well here. not bananas and papayas though (not sweet)
