I heard stories about getting your car serviced in Australia. You have to book a week in advance...
One of my favourite Minister of parliament is Mr Lim Swee Say. Over the years, he entertained the...
Ms Julia may call us scandalous. The PR Forumers may find our relationship perplexing at times. One day...
Erwin, born in Australia, the Young Master of the house is merely 3 years 9 months old yet...
Jen must had wondered what got into me that day in Rockingham. I was fascinated by the birds in...
I used to catch grasshoppers, spiders, dragonflies and ladybirds to play when I was a small boy. Someone...
I didn't know why I had not written anything about Patrick. It would be criminal if I delayed...
I can't stop being amused by interesting car plates. I took some more of them again Beautiful. No...
After settling lunch yesterday, I laid down on the bed for a short nap before going to work....
I took this picture at eye level, showing plenty of fruits Picked up 2 freshly dropped ones The...
It was an unusual Sunday. I learnt a lot of things and those were reasons to rejoice but...
November Rain is a song about not wanting to deal with love that isn't mutual or reciprocated. It is...
I'm always being told to 'learn to be positive'. I've always been told I'm 'negative'. My good friend...
I think I will be okay. It doesn't feel that sore anymore after a sleep. I didn't manage to...
The initial aim was to write a good summary for my thoughts on the day which marks my...
It had been the worst 3 hours sleep of my life. It happened last night when Dave's fury...
I have always been an admirer of Japanese culture, still am. I love those days where Korea has...
We did a little shopping at Subiaco last weekend and saw some deals at Woolworths. I bought something...
Past Rants
- Barry White's First Servicing
- Short Tales, Singapore Style
- Happy Birthday Ang Jia Qin
- The Australian Boy - A Simple Observation
- The Trend is Your Friend
- Rockingham Outing
- Patrick the fellow Singaporean
- Perth Car Plates
- The Kick of Albany
- When Life Gives You Lemon
- Mistakes Sunday
- November Rain
- My Life is Better than Mr Lee Hsien Loong
- Eye of the North
- 2 Months of Perth
- Am I Going Blind in an Eye?
- The Korean Reformation Course
- Every Little Thing
- The Breeze of Spring
- Eugene's Story
- The Unofficial Partner Visa (Subclass 309) Guide f...
- Elope or Migrate?
- A Letter to My Daughter
- The Monster under the Bed
- More Punishments
- Canning Vale Market I
- Migration Inception
- Barry White Redeemed
- A Letter to Myself (2016)
- The Unlikely Cook
- Back Off, Bitch!